
Gosh, it’s almost like this is totally worse than two decades of Fox News doing the same to anyone’s photo that they didn’t agree with!

I actually use my Wii U for browsing while playing certain games, or if I need to quickly check forums and don’t have access to my laptop/can’t be arsed to switch to it.

Depends. Is she trading shitty Pepe memes while fawning over Steve Bannon and Richard Spencer? Then yes. Does she think that Donald Trump can do no wrong and he should be given full power and unlimited chances? Then yes.

1.) Be aware, you’re advocating for protecting and keeping literal nazis safe.

Namco has been an incredible and awesome company from its inception to today. Deeply saddened to hear of Nakamura-san’s passing, but I hope he left us with the knowledge that he’s brought so many smiles and so much joy to the world.

Gosh, if only there were some way to make every stage flat and boring, a sort of Omega mode to the alpha that is all of the stages.

What I’m liking most about Toonami lately is that they’ve been showing intros and closing credits, and there’s a hell of a lot less promotion of Naruto. Shit, they’re even doing JoJo, proving that they’re willing to take some risk, a bit at a time.

No, “petty” is hiring six prostitutes to piss on you in bed just because the previous president once slept in it.

I pretty much agree with this list, but I have to say that VCS has easily one of the shittiest missions ever-- driving an NPC’s father who has heart issues, down a pincer trap in the middle of a major traffic jam, with no ability to drive fast or even tap anything with your car. I think it’s even worse than San

Considering they have unified accounts, I imagine games will carry over, or at worst, you’ll spend the $2-$3 it cost to transfer the games over to the new updated VC iteration, just as it happened with the Wii U, when wanting to bring it out of the Wii Mode.

So, does Chris Brown pretend he’s going Super Saiyan before he beats a woman?

I remember liking that one, though I had EGM2/Expert Gamer at the time so I never picked it up. D:

I mean in terms of release window, not platform. If they turn the Switch into a late port and do nothing else with it, that’s a little insulting considering the largest audience that backed the game in the first place.

This is kind of a shit thing since I know a lot of people who backed it specifically for this reason, but I do hope they at least bring it to the Switch at the same time. Don’t pull a Ubsoft on this one.

What was always more fun about that song to me, is that Killing Me Softly is actually about Don McLean and that song.

To heaven, since like most of Vector he was either killed by what the Empire had around, or when Kefka used the entire country/city to form his tower.

I’d toss Key the Metal Idol up there. Basically— and only known to the viewer and like two characters— the main character’s grandfather falls in love with a woman who has what’s effectively psychokinetic abilities, exploits his daughter and granddaughter for science experiments that wind up killing one and shutting

Aside from legality and nostalgia, there’s the fact that, especially for the price, it’s the most accurate emulation of the NES. The fact that they had to design hardware more powerful than the Wii for this is actually incredibly impressive.

Some would argue that Cowboy Bebop is full of fan service in the form of Faye, though I think those’d be the same folks who only ever use their eyes to see, and nothing else. Similarly, Lust as a whole in FMA.

Some credit does have to be given to Konami-- they walked back their shutdown of their console games division, and the spin-off they’re making was explicitly said to be an alternate universe game. That’s more than most other publishers would go when it comes to propping up a series’ corpse after having a very public