
The one time I got laid off the COBRA quote was so ridiculous I remember actually laughing out loud.

I read that moron’s entire twenty tweet thread, and it was, by far, the BEST argument for Medicare for All I have ever read. The upshot was that you could either (1) go without insurance for 90 days, which is a long time not to have coverage, especially with young children, (2) pay thousands of dollars in premiums, or

20 years ago “Conan hosting the AARP Awards” would have been a perfect Late Night sketch. Now, oddly enough, it seems like a totally normal thing to do.

Lots of Conan content on here. And I’m good with that.

I’ve never been attracted to him before and wouldn’t want anything to happen between us again, anyway, even if the kiss was hot.”

The problem with Leslie on SNL is that as soon as she was on screen you knew what the joke was. This big black woman is going to yell at someone about something, and that’s about it. I think that can be deployed usefully and hilariously at times, but they needed to write her more than just that, and they never did. 

Only if you think that Jimmy Fallon would be better if he were even needier for attention 

Between spearing the dead bird on his cane last time and throwing the tape dispenser right onto the shelf, Adam Driver is the master of live-television stunt comedy, a category I never knew existed.


And if the leather boot-scoot choreography in the bracing “You Should Be Sad” verged on the silly, well, maybe that’s just me.”

Do you... Do you think that... “LOL DOGFUCKER” is criticism?

“I know who I am! I’m a dude playing a dude enslaving another dude!” ~ Epps (Michael Fassbender), 12 Years a Slave

The “I get to be black for a summer” thing sounds to me like he’s trying to be complimentary, but I’m sure that won’t stop the wokerati on here and on the Root from spewing some of that Premium Grade Kinja Outrage.

I don’t think that the movie was very good, or accomplished what it wanted to do. However, there is a large difference between doing blackface, and playing a character who is doing blackface. Any attempt to confuse the two is just dishonest.

...this article is certainly some kind of take!

Now, given how critical Lucas has (quietly) been about the technical elements of latter-day Star Wars projects, we can only assume that, rather than having a Werner Herzog-esque moment of beauty and connection, he’s just assessing the little guy for similarities to, and deficiencies from, his own Yoda puppets from

“Actually, it’s a Baby Jar Jar, and that’s canon now, motherfuckers. Lucas out!”

All of this doesn’t help the poor schmucks like me who visit a Starbucks maybe once a year and shouldn’t be expected to know what the fuck a venti is. If this was some fancy Italian coffee shop in Little Italy, fine. But fuck outta here with Starbucks doing this. I just want a goddamn medium iced coffee.