
wow that’s gorgeous

it worked for MVAgusta

Actually internet badass - you win. You;re totally right and your opinion is superior and completely vetted. You win +5 internets today.

Go you! Congrats!

Because taking a tall, long, cool drink of hateraid is delicious and the haters can’t really ride it anyway, sooooo

I miss mine.

the 1050 was a *completely* different beast than the 900.  I’m not sure how to compare directly but I’ll try; a Sprint 900 is like a Sprint 1050 with a condom on.  It’s so much....less.  Steering on the 1050 is sharper, power WAY more abundant, brakes are miles better, ergos are arguably worse - but the 1050 itself is

potato potato potato

tillers are the shittiest bikes to ever be shitty. At least that’s what all my squidbuddies told me. Said it was too heavy ponderous and slow to keep up in the hills. Made too little power for it’s size. Was in general a pig.

Those were the guys that’d show up to the turnout on GMR about 10min after I’ve pulled off my

i had a Sprint1050 for a while - GREAT engine, shitty aero; dumped ALL the heat right on my balls. The Futura OTOH is way better in that regard. The Rotax v990 is a great VTwin :)

It’s no 2.5L triple though!

i have a rocket3 obsession.  it sounds like a dam airplane.

what’s sad is he found very little work or success until he invented Puddles. :( Same with most of the PMJ performers really.

Lowkey infamy is better than broke anonymity for sure.

Cutting edge weaponz! Check
Ridiculously small deployment vehicle! Check.
Awwww Yuussss - rockin’ ass music theme - Check and Checkedy Check!!!one!11!

This is not the investment 22b you’re looking for....

Turbo R’s are the bizznesssssss!  They’ve actually appreciated $10k in the last 5 years if the above is an average price...

actually....it might. If it’s had less than 2 owners, chances are high that it’s been perfectly maintained.

Whether or not you can afford to continue to perfectly maintain it despite depreciation is another story...

I like your style

WTF is a unit-body?! 

Newark is by far the best choice in the region.

Having done *tons* of trackside recordings and dyno sessions to harvest sound assets for use in motorsports simulation software (ok, games), it’s always fun to watch someone else do the work!  

We’ve betrayed the Kurds like this since the late 80's.

You by responding via mobile or computer are guilty of the same “by virtue of having won the lottery” and are already “already wealthier than billions of the Earth’s people” because you can do so.