
the responses to this amazing post reminds me that there is a great need for a sarcasm font.

They should put a wall up around the pipeline...

I’m paying $145/mo for 500/100 cable; it’s truly the only option in town (It’s so high because there’s a 1tb cap and in a streaming only household I regularly exceed that - it’s an additional $50 to be “unlimited” but I still get mysteriously throttled once I hit 1tb FU Cox)

Was just there and can confirm it indeed sucks donkeyballs.  

good.  Now hopefully this guy gets *paid* cos FUCK that situation

Our local VW dealer in OKC has their own performance brand labeled RT66 - they do this on a lot of GTI’s they soup up

O’Hare is awesome to go through compared; when the dogs are out everything is essentially TSA Pre, no unpacking, keep yer shoes on etc.  WAY better than Newark, Atlanta or Dallas (WTF I have to change terminals on *every* connection?!)


This is fucking amazing.

I reserved a QX recently and was bummed the check engine light was on - they “downgraded” me to a V8 Armada.  That thing was nice!  A huge, lumbering beast that held all the people, was smoother than I would’ve thought (whoops, I’m doing 90?), plenty of power and actually sounded decent...  Not really sure how much of

...it would be a shorter list than the things right.

fractal in sound form


The styling on this in on point!  I would totally have one as a city car!

I’d rock the shit outta a Chevy SS fascia and badge swapped to Holden.  Same with a GTO.  :D

and this post sir, is why you’ll make it as an intern. Bravo.

Good lord that’s gorgeous!  

You should’ve saved this for april…..it’s far too early in the morning for me to be laughing this hard.  (Watched at 6:30a fri 14dec18)

I’ve lusted after notches for the longest - sadly I’d probably shave and slam it SoCal style with a hopped up 1776 type2 in it, maybe even turbo for the lols and trolls

Squares and supers (and to a lesser extent 23w busses and splits), weren’t exactly rare in SoCal in the 80's and 90's - but a notch?!  F YES ALL THE YES!!  I seriously want one.