I want a good phone, though.
I want a good phone, though.
or nah
There was a woman in Philly who basically parked her car right outside the daycare, with the infant left in a carseat. She walked into the daycare, got her 3 year old, walked out 2 minutes later, and the police were there. It’s totally out of control
Except that when paid mods came online, they started complaining about the percentage they were getting. So which is it, crumbs from donations, or a quarter on every dollar? Gamers aren’t the only ones acting entitled here. Now, cut the tormented artist bullshit, and let the thinkers figure this out.
Well then, I can pirate the games with good conscience. The worst that happens is that I screw over some idiotic corporation. They don't want my money anyway. And the devs won't see a dime from this game, so no harms done.
says who?
I don't know why you think this. The annuity becomes part of your estate, unless you think the government can just up and take whats rightfully yours just because you died.
If you take the lump sum, you can invest the money however you want. If you take the "staggered payouts", the lottery invests the money for you and pays it out in increments over 30 years. You are probably right that people make worse decisions with the lump sum payment and the odds of them squandering it all very…
If a winner dies, the annuity goes to their heirs or whoever the winner designates.
the short handles are designed for being able to shovel the snow. Generally when you shovel you alter your posture to move your center of gravity lower. This allows you to shovel heavy loads such as dense wet snow and keep your balance.
You're telling me that the 20% cash penalty for dying in Borderlands 2 isn't a thing? Because it's absolutely a thing.
So a photo taken with a selfie stick isn't a selfie? because im pretty damn sure you aren't pressing the button
they can just get ryan Hansen to play him in the tv movie
yeah ok. that's like trying to tell me ben kingsley is Asian.
Voting someone in for president that held congressional hearings over grand theft auto sounds like a great idea.
1D has an Asian member?
Well that's like your opinion man
I want everyone to look at this face as much as possible, especially today. This peron's life was officially not important enough to be protected or mourned. #JUSTICE4TRAYTRAY