
K. yahoo is about as profitable as shit on a stick

you mean dis?

Sure milk eggs and meat are placed around the back of the store probably has nothing to do with fridge and freezer placement or anything. probably

I mean I wanna repeat the first sentence you wrote right back at you, but I wont. Every game you listed is practically 20 years old and none of them were ever really full price.

see this is where I have a problem. are there any non white/female people applying? what if theyre not the best applicant? you want to affirmative action this just for the sake of diversity? K.

I never understood why people liked monster hunter so much. Literally EVERY version of the game has atrocious loading times youd think you were playing it on the original playstation.

why would there be a need for a long term study? just look at any tribe that walks around topless. Those ligaments are NOT getting stronger

cool story. it’s also a noun. try picking up a dictionary every now and then.

yeah, no

the format is mostly exactly like the Canadian version, except there is no host, just an announcer. the british version of dragons den is super boring. they don't play anything up and theres no music. its like actually being there listening to the boring ass pitches

how much internet do I have to give a homeless man before he stops being homeless?

When I was in junior high, my English teacher said something about “It is I”. That aint right is it?

So, wait. We all the format of the show is two white dudes, a chick and a black dude. Is Rhianna the chick and the black person?

sorry but one of the things to do on my list of things to do is “charge my umbrella”

so youre ok with starting gears of war but never playing the rest? I mean if you really wanted to start playing gears of war, you could just play the one that’s already on pc and then never play the rest because they didn’t come out.

let me guess; you're 6' tall

why would anyone buy your shit for more than they can get it for? if the game has been out long enough for it to be on sale, no one is going to up and randomly up and buy your copy 12 days after you buy it

I knew you were an asshole; you didn’t have to tell me that.

media player classic is so much better than vlc. I like that your argument is that you use a mac but bitch about people who don’t use windows like you do. youre a real winner