or nah
or nah
yeah, because the physics of a miniature prop is the same as the giant real thing.
and theres also gofundme page that initially asked for $50000. so yeah.
are they suddenly going to capture a greater portion of the female demographic by doing this? no? then nah. why bother
The article says that soda is a loss leader and I don't buy it. If youre trying to tell me that the wholesale cost of a 12 pack is $3 or a 2 liter costs $1.50, then youre full of shit.
not 10k worth of gold
moissanite does. in fact, it probably sparkles more than diamonds
there is no more clear qam
what? pretty sure most of new York city doesn't live within 4 miles from the empire state building and can get ota signals just fine
if there were actual keys on the ring it would be even easier to open. all you have to do is hold the keys in your fist and pull
except your body actually needs sodium to maintain the balance of fluids in it.
how much film did this take?
have you ever watched nikita with Maggie q?
im sorry, but if youre paying $9 dollars for coffee, then youre terrible with money and are probably gonna be working retail forever.
says who?
I don't know why you think this. The annuity becomes part of your estate, unless you think the government can just up and take whats rightfully yours just because you died.
except hes not a distance runner per se, hes more of a sprinter. sprinters do have large muscles.
So a photo taken with a selfie stick isn't a selfie? because im pretty damn sure you aren't pressing the button