
But can he run Crysis?

Oh fuck off.

I think a narrow view is what defines this family.

Not really. Forever fuck this child, his family and anybody who thinks its okay to behave like this.

The tears of Giants fans are delicious tears.

Not mine. Still very cool.

Interstate 76

Wake up in the morning feelin' like Rick Stanzi,

Yeah! Fuck those guys! I don't even care what we get, as long as the other guys don't get it!

That's being a GAMER, right? Wanting people who have other consoles to go fuck themselves? Am I doing it right?

If you look at the highest point of the mountain on the right side of the video, at the beginning of the video, you can see the boulder come loose and start rolling.

You sound like a joy to be around.

Gotta love those Red Sox and their fans standing up against cheating. You know, the bad kind of cheating...cheating without being on the Red Sox. Not Manny-Ortiz ripping 40 HR/yr and leading the charge to two World Series titles. That shit's fine.

This would be a good time to mention that it still took him four tries to hit a target larger than the strike zone.

Kendrick Lamar? Really?


Notre Dame Fighting Irish Wind Gauge*

Looks like Finley finally caught something that was thrown at him.