
Marianne is a beautiful name, but Mary Ann seems awful to me, even though they are pronounced the same.

I think Posh Spice popularized Brooklyn as a name. I'm waiting to meet a little Staten Island.

Well, you can't do that because there already is a team called the Canadians, in Montreal. Also, Canuck is our self-created nickname, like Yankee for Americans.

It should be that if she's well enough to work, she's well enough to cash her own cheques. No one else works and then does not have ownership of their money, that's pretty much the definition of slavery.

How delusional is the "young profesh" thinking she would gain sympathy with the publishing of this email? She's not contesting that she fucked the house up. I almost wish her name was published, just so she could never rent in this town again.

Zayn's a practicing Muslim though, and actually your example, Justin Bieber, is an evangelical Christian.

By "non-sexual" do you mean asexual? I've never heard "non-sexual" as an identity, and I'm wondering if you mean people who are asexual, or who have a sexuality but don't have sex.

OK Ophira's grandma, while I'm impressed you've graduated from email to the Jezebel comment board, you don't have to stand up for every bad joke your granddaughter tells.