Speaking of over the hill Super Bowl winners that everyone wishes would just go away, we are only 15 days away from Mercury Morris telling us all that Cam Newton has done nothing yet.
Speaking of over the hill Super Bowl winners that everyone wishes would just go away, we are only 15 days away from Mercury Morris telling us all that Cam Newton has done nothing yet.
So basically what you are saying is that you’re OK with grown-ass men running and launching their bodies, led by a polycarbonate shell, into another human being, simply because they don’t have the self-discipline to contain their rage?
I’m pretty sure Cam isn’t the one who’s upset.
Also, there’s only one fucking person to be mad at on that play, and it’s not Cam Newton. That was a nice helmet led hit only Gregg Williams could love.
o/10 joke gotten.
Self learning programs on computers are known to work most of the time, until a crossroads of various pre-made decisions with variable outcomes comes along. Then the computer freaks out and can act in all types of unpredictable manners. Partially the reason sandbox games seem to have alot of bugs, computer logic and…
This guy build is own car, now the car companies hate him.
Read the article.
Someone is very good at reading articles.
> (By the end of that message board thread, Lipschultz had been banned from NeoGAF.)
So what if Jeremy Lin lost a Sonic the Hedgehog related hairstyle bet to an unknown party? That could happen to anyone.
Actually, colleges fail at teaching ANY student financial literacy.
No it’s not just an innocent post. I’m sick of people trying to cast gun owners as assailants or bigots. I’m sick of people calling for or blindly supporting unconstitutional legislative proposals. On a positive note, liberals have been the best gun salesmen over the past 7yrs.
This is a joke, right? It’s laughable. What about Anheuser Busch or Miller Brewing Company? What about GM or Toyota? You Ms. Horn are a misguided blogger, which is an all too common occurrence. There is NOTHING wrong with supporting the aforementioned firearms companies. Go live in France if you believe in that…
No, I get it, I just don’t care. Life isn’t comfortable, nor does it come with trigger warnings. Sometimes people need to get the fuck over themselves and not have a panic attack over a god damned number; everybody can see how fat you are, the number is meaningless.
Apparently your original comment had too much lift as the sarcasm went right over his head
Did I say I disagreed with the policy? I fucking didn’t. I actually agree with it from a logistical and economic standpoint. My comment was a joke about engineers and their mindset, they think about numbers, not feelings, and I agree with it while also finding it amusing, so get over your faux snark outrage.
This is what happens when aeronautics engineers set airline policy.
This is a great comment. And a better username.
Is it possible that not everyone in the world experiences fat shaming the way people do in North America? I’m not saying I know anything about Uzbekistani culture, but this article seems to leap to some conclusions.