
Here we can appreciate the short-penised homo sapiens in its natural habitat of the internet trying to mark its own relevance by ad hominem and 'my taste > your taste' in an effort to inflate it's e-penis length and girth. It's interesting as the 21st century version of the 'my sport > your sport' jock which we all

'I'm allergic to crunchy.

Yeah, and they totally let Jose Pirela lead off the inning with a single, too. And Robertson did a great job of allowing a walk on a bad call, plus two home runs but also not giving up a fourth run to make sure the game was tied. And yeah, the two homers the O's hit to start the game were totally set up, too. And also

Someone is going to be raped or beaten in an elevator, and it's most likely gonna be butters.

You've just described every game genre ever.

"I think my biggest argument that vaccines are harmless is why is mercury in the fucking vaccine? "

I realize Clemson isn't supposed to be as good as they are last year but to voluntarily bench a Heisman QB for a half against them? Geez, I didn't realize they now regard Clemson like they do teams like Virginia or NC State.

It's just a shame he did't save his yard work for Sunday, when he surely would have sliced into the trees.

OMG. League's new Veigar skin totally referenced that! Cool piece of info.

Yeah, it's like that, and then the Coca-Cola PR firm putting out a press release saying "We were under attack by malicious copyright infringers, but crushed them under the weight of our awesome trademark power." That's opposed to what Coca-Cola, or any mature corporation would actually put out, which would be nothing.

Translation of "under-researched and poorly written bullshit": You slandered Crossfit for not managing to praise it more than once in every sentence.

Are you saying this ruling isn't justified, Jon? I'm going to struggle to take you seriously if you have anything bad to say about the Italian justice system.

Yeah, I'm with you on this one...just spent 2 weeks going around Europe where tipping is absolutely not expected, or even welcome in some countries and the average price of a full meal at a restaurant was about $10 to $15 more than in America. I can deal with paying $15 extra on my meal if it means I won't get snarky

This debate would be resolved if, instead of national service, everyone in the country was obliged to work in a restaurant for two years before moving on with their lives.

Wrong again, fuck-o. Servers pay out a percentage of their sales to other restaurant staff. It's called "tip share" and is universal in sitdown restaurants. A bit to the bartenders, with other bits to hostesses and busters and whomever else. On average, those bits add up to 5-7 percent of a server's sales. While

Servers get taxed on their sales. It is assumed they receive tips. If you want to change that system, fine. Go for it. But until you do, it really isn't very nice to make people serve you only to lose money from the transaction.

Yes, the 'entitled' one is the poorly-paid lower-level food service worker, not the multimillionaire who leaves shitty tips. Good call.

Cause fuck him. That's why. You ever work in food service?

Someone should tell them...

Here's why you're wrong, specifically pertaining to vaccines: vaccines are not a new technology. They are not a new thing. They've been around a long, long while, and you can actually SEE the positive effect they've had throughout history. Ask anyone over the age of 70 whether the Polio vaccine was a good thing.