
This is easily the whiniest site on the kinja network, you guys are amazing.

balls deep

I just wanted to point out that Emma Stone is in Superbad too. Thats a lot of Emma.

Thats a neat idea. We can ride those fuckers down the highway to hell

So based on his profession and reaction to the situation we can safely assume he's an NC State grad/fan.

Now playing

Steve Smith, believe it or not, is addicted to Rageahol.


No Sheed, you're retired. They cant stop your shine anymore.

Well its definitely NOT a sign of insecurity, thats for sure.

Golf is healthy for your mind and body. I would love it if my GF was into golf. I'd much rather play with her than the dudes I know that golf. They suck at it, and are assholes.

Hell yeah. I still have my 2001 Jetta TDI with 220,000 miles on it. Thing gets 50 MPG and I am never fucking selling it.

This. In general, I think people who drive manuals are better drivers simply because they are more in tune with their car, the road, and their surroundings.

I've often pondered why one chooses to become a cop, and the only logical explanation is that you have absolutely no other skills or ideas to offer the world. Police officer as a profession is like a safety school. Things dont work out in community college? Fuck it I'll become a cop!

When those houses come out theyre gonna be at least a few million..