Anung Un Rama

The dearth of geek-centric signifiers in O'Malley's latest work comes as a bit of a surprise. After all, he won nerd hearts worldwide in large part due to his use of video game tropes and superhero comic-book allusions in the Scott Pilgrim series. But Seconds, out this week in hardcover, still succeeds in delivering

'Nuff said...this is from the World Cup in Korea/Japan.

gif of the year.

No, it looks like someone trying to copy Mignola's style, but not getting it quite right.

You can design awesome, realistic-looking robots with color and memorable designs without making them look awful.

That's pretty strange considering his moves against Iwata.

Cookie sacrifices have been delayed till 2015.

So many embargoes. But yes, Tina day. Tina day requires cookie sacrifices.

What is this? Tina day?

As Azhram says, laptops are the stuff these days, at least with the kids. For a couple hundred bucks parents can get their kids one, it takes up very little space, and it's rapidly closed when parents knock on the door and the kids are chatting with predators on the internet.

Dear God, Luke. You do not know the forces you've unleashed...