
They’ve been out about a month now bud.

Yes it is. Been out for almost 3 weeks.

I agree with everything you’re saying, but I’m which years/generation of Ram truck are you referring to?

Part of it is fleet sales vs. Consumer sales.

Well, then a fool I am. I just picked up a 4 door JL rubicon soft top with 6apd manual. Granted, I got a significant discount , which brought it to a JK price point. Still pricey no doubt. But, it was my dream car (Well, a rubicon period... But I like the JL’s trick soft top and some of the interior features). Plus,

While I’m all for this movement, you do realize the publication you write for, every year, has a section dedicated to “booth babes”? Well, hey, everyone deserves a shot at redemption.

Hey all, please please come! I’m one of the designers/competitors and it means a lot when a big crowd shows and supports the charity we are designing for!! Come in and ask for Mr. Stark...That’s what people call me anyway.

I’m fairly certain I heard a lot of laughter...And maybe a boo or two, muffled by the sound of more laughter. I could be wrong. The cheering and clapping could’ve been everyone excited for him to be crucified shortly after. Hey, if you don’t like the jokes and the monologue , that’s fine, but don’t let your headline

Not at all. Most detail shops would charge about 150-200$ for a complete wash, Interior and exterior detail.. a bit more for a full paint treatment if needed. Or, you could learn to do it yourself for about 150$ in materials...good ones. Not the best, but good enough for a beater or average-joe car. A detail good

Cause any of those 49 would’ve been safer having an AR-15. What a terrible idea making gun availability super easy. Yeah I get it, they still have to go through gun checks and safety programs, but they are just more accessible now. And what will you do with it once u get It ? Store it in your new car you purchased?

Uh... I got pulled over recently for doing absolutely nothing. Literally. I was behind two guys that were speeding right past the cop and I was smart enough to not be speeding. In fact, I went one mile per hour under. I got pulled over and when I asked the cop what I did wrong, he ignored me. 3 times. I was calm,

As a car designer, im in love with this design. Fluid, sharp, daring, but a simplicity/elegance that sports cars of today lack. But im curious as to why u think this is a bad design?

my highschool theology teacher is now the owner of the company that makes those Corbin Sparrows . Its called Meyers Motors now...and they have a pretty slick all electric one out now. alil pricey, but MUCH Better design and very comfy on the inside

why dont we all just create a massive class-action lawsuit against Seppings for disgracing the auto industry and infringement on corporate design and patents. Or at least a cease-and-desist.

yes chevy is doing this. good lord it better be 100x's better than what is rolling around now on those gorgeous plastic covered roll-resistant eco-friendly tires. tail lights are pretty slick...but i would rather blow my credit line on an impala.

there are only laws against texting.

so are you defending the guy who was trying to go the speed limit?

the liberty actually COULD do that.  and seeing as how that picture is not of a Stock cherokee, i see no reason to mention this