
Sigh. Vettel's probably on a warm beach somewhere with an Italian supermodel and I'm stuck with some fat guy doing this shit.

Seems like a lot of trouble just to get a free cruise.

What was the point of doing this exactly? I mean it's relatively harmless. But seriously. I don't understand the reasoning why.

I call it the HellCatfish

lol. Wasn't this heralded as a Tesla fighter a few days ago?

Has Brian France done a single positive thing since he's taken over NASCAR? Yeah they're getting more TV revenue but NASCAR (the France family) gains more from that than anyone else does. There are less teams in all three of NASCAR's top series. The Busch/Nationwide/Xfinity Series has been decimated by Cup owners who

but that wound be un American not giving people the freedom to shut off their engines while they drive

Doing a substance that has a tendency to give the user a euphoric feeling of invulnerability in a time frame where he could have been behind the wheel of a race car on the track with other people seems like a pretty good reason to lose your racing license. I'm not sure if you were trying to be ironic, but if not, it's

OK, I was trying to not get in the weeds on this, but here we go.

1% of 1.3 BILLION people is THIRTEEN MILLION people. If only 1% of all Chinese are like the couple described here, you're still talking about the entire population of the state of Illinois (fifth most populous state in the union).

maybe she didn't serve the water correctly.

Hey should have a talk with Bernie...

I used to 'borrow' my dad's Alfa 75 in a very similar fashion when I was around 15 / 16. I fessed up about 5 years later. I was drunk, Pops was drunker...seized the moment.

I'm sure that "achievement" was copied/stolen from someone else. That's all they're really good at. Stealing other people's work.

So I guess it's safe to say the J-31 pretty much was built using the data the Chinese stole from a subcontractor of the F-35 program. I'm assuming they didn't get everything considering the engines on it don't seem to stellar.

Russian submarine that penetrated Swedish waters and may have come under distress

Asshat #2 sees asshat #1 parked across two spaces, so he parks across the pavement to send some kind of passive-aggressive message??

Don't worry, you'll be wearing your own.

Water is not wet in winter, the sky is not blue at night and airline food food tastes great on the ground. Any other questions?

Those are shock diamonds in the exhaust trail.