
Oh come on now, you're not even making it a choice anymore.

Dick Dean was born Richard Dean Sawitskas, but was dubbed Dick Dean by a syllabically challenged Autorama announcer, and the shorter version stuck. A graduate of Pasadena’s prestigious Art Center, College of Design, where he studied under none other than Strother MacMinn, Dean opened a customizing business in Michigan

I just saw some of those the other night.

I don't see what the problem is. The guy paid for an 8-second car and he got an 8-second car - one that ran for about 8 seconds.

3 million miles? Try 352 million, bitches!


haha lets do the rundown

The 500e, sure it looks like a regular 500, but no one is buying those any ways.

Your few sentences of speculation MUST trump all the facts...