
Are we even certain that his house is the one to the left? It looks as though the house is directly behind the garage with a red door. It also appears as though there is a ton of crap located behind the red door house.

Now playing

Who’s at the helm here? Nobody is going to post this obvious instructional video?

It’s only fair if they come back a week later after it has rained and compare the two. And them in two years and the Chevy’s bed has rusted away.

Overlooking the pollution that is added by trucks, I wouldn’t trust those predictions. They do not account for the very high probability of war in the ME, which will have an immediate impact on prices. Don’t forget, these guys would love to see higher prices and any excuse to get them higher is a good excuse.

What will be interesting will be the way these cars handle traffic. I can imagine in the early days that there will folks that take advantage of autonomous vehicles in traffic heavy areas such as DC. If a non-autonomous car pokes his nose in front of the auto’ car, will it stop? If so, why wouldn’t everyone take

Mmmm. Canadian Bacon.

No, but do go on.

There was a great article about Bigelow Aerospace in last month’s Smithsonian magazine.

Big Australian Balls

I am not sure that is necessarily a good thing. I don’t trust either one to make an exciting car...more Camry than Camry. I envision having to drive my iCar past three Google charging stations to get to one “glorious” Apple iCharge station.

and that is why you lift it over the track. If that would have fallen on the crews...squash! Lesson learned from a couple of years ago when that F1 car fell on the track worker and he was killed.

Do we even know if it was an “oops”? That is what they would like you to believe, but I haven’t seen any information with regards to the cause of this blunder. BTW...Opal (owned by GM) is on the level of cheating like VW, just not the volume of cars.

Sorry. Let me append “& a penis” to my previous statement.

Not to minimize the accomplishment, but anyone that had a car and two working arms & legs qualified for the 500.

Shorter races, more road coarses and allow fans to use super soakers to randomly spray on the track during the race...recipe for 2017 NASCAR success!

Isn’t GM’s Opel brand now under suspicion of having emissions cheating modes on their cars as part of the German’s findings?

Really. I am challenged with that in my current Fusion Hybrid, which I have had for...well since I purchase in ‘10. I saw the new Hybrid had fold down seat, which were not available b/c of the batt. Didn’t realize that was the case with the energi. thank you.

This or a ‘17 Fusion Energi? Those are the two choice I think I have narrowed my choices down to.

If you want to increase viewership and attendance, cut the races in half. The length of the races used to weed out inferior engines and other components, but that isn’t the deciding factor any longer. F1 has 2 hr limit, that along with the fact it’s first thing in the AM, allows me to watch some great racing and get