
This isn’t likely to change my life at all. It is; however, going to change the ground crews’ jobs. More robots taking jobs. Not sure that is a good thing in the long wrong. Besides, airlines aren’t going to give you more seat room b/c they saved 50 dollars on ground maintenance fees.

Anyone other than Kimi is wrong...

Do people of new car buying age even know this guy?

What is currently unfolding in Egypt should be the main focus for the US. We can’t allow this to continue and should help Egypt in ANY way possible to put down this growth of IS followers in the area. There is plenty of anger by many disparate tribes since the coup that removed the brotherhood from power and these

Kyle will most likely never win a championship. He is the modern day Ernie Irvin. Awesome at car control, but usually rags the car out before the end of the race. He will have to learn to control his emotions before he can be a champion...not likely.

Perhaps you should have had a spot of tea. Then you wouldn’t be “seeing red”.

I like the orange. It should be filled with blue, tho. UVA

I have many cuss-word laden thoughts on this (1st Gear)...

If all of the F1 drivers left for Formula E, it would be a better series than F1 in their current setup.

Won’t Graverobber be pissed you are stealing his gig?

This could be a signal that some form of anti-aircraft weapons have been sent to the Houthis via Iran. Probably manned by Rep. Guard forces, too.

There you’ll find 572-freaking-cubes of Chevy V8, which is sort of like coming home and finding King Kong banging your significant other, but in a good way.

I saw this last night and thought it was really well done. I think there is enough on just the x-37 for an entire 60 minutes episode, but they glossed over it and I’m sure it is due to the sensitivity around the program.

I imagine that BBC will do any sidestepping they can to keep the trio. There are too many jobs at stake and the BBC is too entrenched in the team’s workflow to just let it go to some competitor. Not to mention the ads they sell outside the UK...

He is so noble...

I get the feeling that LH is headed down this road similar to Charlie Sheen. Tiger blood will replace Monster energy drinks...

Sounds like this series could use some Brian France!

What?! Someone living in Philly is concerned about eyesores. That describes the entire city!