
Just. lOl

Don't worry, we'll get two new commenting systems until summer, none of them will have a report function, nor function correctly and be intuitive.

Kotaku and other Gawker sites has those deal postings every day or two. If you click on the link and go to say Amazon and you purchase something that data is sent to the Gawker site because they get a percentage of the profit due to the reference.

Source unknown.

Properly this time:


If you meant banned in Canada, perhaps you should have actually said "banned in Canada" instead of "banned in the US"?

What are you talking about? None of those things are banned.

You sir are a terrible/horrible human being PLZ stop ur h8/trollin/fanboyism and think about ur life!

might as well use them for something.

The difference between Titanic and Xbox One - Titanic had a successful launch.

pretty sure he is a bit biased. It reeks of smarmy attitude that this will be an underwhelming experience when I am of the opposite opinion. I think that both of the Next-gen consoles will be a great experience for those who decide to get them on day one. His next article on the Xone will tell if he's just cynical or

Do NOT open the game if you've bought it already. I don't know how legit this is but it's worth the wait if it's true.

I think you are confused with what is being talked about. Take me for example I have 4 TVs and 3 boxes. On the fourth TV I use my Xbox 360 and the Time Warner Cable app, I get live TV of all the channels I pay for except local over the air ones streamed to me via the internet. Pretty much this is like having another

I remember you from that whole 1080p fiasco! That was depressing.

The Anti Fanboy earns his name... bravo sir. Thread over.

STOP CHERRY-PICKING. You are ignoring the fuck out of tons of legitimate counter arguments on this entire thread, and that's a logical fallacy of the highest order. You keep mentioning BF3 over and over again, yet you fail to acknowledge Forza, Killzone, CoD Ghosts, which are all 1080p 60FPS at launch, and have been

Pfft. I have a backlog stretching back tot he ps1 era. If I had to clear my log before getting a ps4, i'd get one some time in 2016 at this rate.

The point to be understood here is that there is nothing currently on the market with the ability to provide surveillance with as much fidelity as the kinect will. And thats the truth, I'll give you a list from my own personal life.
1. Galaxy s3(rooted, with juice defender so that when the screen is off it does not