

To the people saying this hardly looks better than PS3 games:

Is this your first new console generation? It has been like this for every new console cycle since we arrived in the 3D area.
Playstation 2 Launch:

I hope your little girl never says anything stupid, because you'll obviously be punishing her for years.

He lives in Texas, which supports the death penalty. You just said you think he should die for his Facebook post. A serious comment like this is worse in so many ways than his sarcastic poor taste comment.


Screw you, I'm still waiting to get recommended in the first place. I'm Satan for father's sakes!

A franchise like Crackdown would be a natural for a console with Blast Processing features.


They're two large black boxes with weird cross-sections. They are equally ugly as fuck.

Just Xbox One in Italics.

Exactly. And to top it all off, the necessity of the Gold membership? Come on.

Agreed. That is a pricey rental system that is dead at its end of life rendering all your games unplayable and force you to buy a new rental box. I am also out of this one. And I was a pretty huge Xbox 360 fan... Moving on to master race pc. And the master race part is a joke. Just wanted to say it before 50

Hey now, Microsoft never confirmed that that isn't true yet.

Is this even an article?....

That... was difficult to watch.

"chad warden voice"

You do realize that no matter what games they show, it's clear that Microsoft has chosen to focus on an enhanced TV experienced, and made gaming clearly a second priority?

cheers to that

If that controller works on the PC, I'll buy it day one.