
Get it for PC when it's released and save up for the X1 when there is a console specific game that you feel is a system seller. Titanfall could have been a system seller if it was ONLY available on the X1 but since its going to be released on the existing Xbox 360 with a comparable experience and the PC with a

I really DID expect more from this game. I saw the trailers and the new gameplay mechanics and it looked fantastic, to me at least. After reading this article and several others, I watched a video review on another site that pointed out just how bad it was. I would have prefered that they held the game back several

I was thinking the same thing after looking at the "Quality" bluetooth headset I ordered from Hong Kong that I had to superglue back together.

I FEEL that my purchase was entirely justified. I'm kinda hard up for cash but since A) there won't be any price drops anytime soon and B) I could pay it off over 7 months by pre-ordering and C) All of the games I bought Knack, Killzone, AC4 and N4S:Rivals are fantastic games that I've spent almost 150 hours playing

Yup so similar that my mom asked me if she could buy that tablet thing for her existing Wii. I told her sure but if she buys the tablet thing, they throw in an upgraded Wii for free.... she said oh nevermind, she already had a Wii. I found that strange as hell because she was willing to buy a tablet add on for $250

How did you mod the HD558?

Twas a joke guy. Glad to see that there are still people who are in it for the long haul. I wish you and your girl a long happy life together.

GTX 550 Ti you... smarmy bastard.

Lets be honest bunny. There is no girl, is there?

We have 5 lines, all unlimited on a family plan. It's $212 a month. Other than getting throttled after going over 8GB (on a rare occasion) I have no problem with T-Mobile. It does suck balls when I go from 4gLTE to basically 56k but it's only happened twice. Once when I watched basically two days worth of netflix

Have a gold star young man.

Frito pie is absolutely delicious. You don't have to drown the Fritos in the chili either but sometimes its prefered. For those people who are horrified or afraid of the frito pie, just think of them as chili cheese fries but with out the fries.

you could make backups just incase but there is another option if the back up becomes affected too. Go to the system settings/application save data management and delete the install of the game that is messing up. also go to the notifications and delete any update files for the game and then turn off the PS4

Nope It's gone. I go to the website, parts of the front page are missing. I click Play and the unity player pops up and lets me know that it's failed to download data.

This pisses me off. I spent actual money on this game last week and now its going to waste. I'm hitting my bank up for a refund. 2100G for $10 wouldn't seem like a good deal if I knew they would be shutting down a week later. Better not tell my bank the company is going out of business, I'm just going to say that they

My first instinct is to tell you ABORT! ABORT! but the more I think about it, It's worth paying $10 more for the retail version. At least then you can sell it back online or trade it in for credit. This game is only a few hours from what Kojima productions has stated, some people can probably speed run it in less than

Johnson Creek Smoke Juice ? Or some other brand

Yea that's like Republicans saying "What's this? You're blac....address doesn't match your license/middle name isn't on your license! No vote for you." Look if enough people want to vote for something or someone then they win. Just because Republicans and Trolls campaign for better voter turnout doesn't mean that MGQ3

At least you're not stuck in a Co-op area like I am. I only have one choice in my City, and that is the city's electricity. They charge a variable rate throughout the year that costs more than a fixed rate. My bill stays about the same year round but I use less than half of the electricity during Sept. - April than I