
Makes sense, Josh Resnick the prez of Pandemic used to work at activision in the mid 90s with West and Zampella, but this is really nothing like Titanfall. This is more of a FPS/RTS hybrid tank game. You're basically stuck in one vehicle, there's no real vertical movement, you just hover around and you build stuff.

Yea when i picked up the "finalized" receipt from Gamestop, the checkout girl tried to sell me the year extend warranty for $40. I politely declined and she asked me if i'm sure. I then politely told her that I could get a 3 year warranty from Playstation for $60 and they would cover it even if I smashed it with a

It's going to sound lame but I'm really interested in what they do with the AI in this game. The titans will follow or guard or free roam and do it quite well from what i've seen and there are NPC combatants that are scattered through the maps that you can get xp and $ from. Its like grinding in a mmo or a game like

It looks fresh and fantastic, and I don't like the XOne. It won't make me buy the XOne because I already have a great gaming PC and a PS4. I don't consider it generic because it does use some innovations that haven't been seen on an online only FPS like the AI used for the titans and the NPCs scattered about the map.

It won't convince me to do that, but I am Jealous that the Xone has the exclusive. I remember an article online where one of the devs stated without a doubt that it will NOT be coming to the PS4. Titanfall 2 however is a very real possibility. He stated and I'm paraphrasing that the studio chose to make it a timed

Lol you get a star.

O_0 im Keeping an eye out for MrJoeyyaya...

Yep picked up Killzone, Knack and Black flag. I already had BF paid off at gamestop but I got it from Target to complete my trio and had originally planned on nixing the GS preorder but they have a mission/map pack as a pre order bonus. Since I cant take Black Flag back to Target I'm going to take advantage of

And his name, his parents name, address and where his dad works and so on and so on. People are really TOO connected these days.

Yep that's Good Ol' Scott from Fort Worth Tx. Got his address from his phone number too but I'm not going to give that out.

I was just thinking the opposite. I see Xbox commercials all the time on network and cable tv. I have seen maybe a hand full of true PS4 ads, but I do see the Taco bell ad quite a few times. makes me wonder when they are getting their consoles. "Get yours before anyone else." meaning the day before.

Glad to see it worked out. I remember you from a few months back, inda concerned how it was going to turn out but it looks good!

Yea... but...... she wasn't wearing a bra before hand and she puts one on to have sex? I dont get it..

They probably do I just don't want people picking over the game section before I get there.

More surprising is the fact that they limit the HDD size to 9.5mm tall. kinda limits whats out there since i previously heard that it would support 12mm drives. Cheapest one i found was this…

The performance boost might be small but considering the cost of SSD now a days your better off just getting a bigger hard drive if you want to upgrade. Here is the cheapest PS4 compatable HDD I found after a doing a half assed search on

not really massive, only 300mb. Pretty small considering the fact that the last update I downloaded was a 4gb update to Payday. Took about an hour and I just left it running

pretty sure he is a bit biased. It reeks of smarmy attitude that this will be an underwhelming experience when I am of the opposite opinion. I think that both of the Next-gen consoles will be a great experience for those who decide to get them on day one. His next article on the Xone will tell if he's just cynical or