I have Three!
I really wouldn't have a problem with this movie at all if they changed the title. This is not World War Z. It's bullshit that they screwed the source material. The Walking Dead PROVES that audiences will watch slow zeds. The whole point of WWZ is the story about how an army of undead almost destroyed the human race…
Hehehe I just send my Brother an email at work and he told all his Co-Workers, Now they all think he's a Dumbass. I'm soo getting a box of shit from him this Christmas. I cant stop laughing.
Here Here! I completely agree. I may not like some of the decision my president made during his first term, Hell I didn't even vote for him the first time around but he is the commander in chief. Like it or not, If he isn't your president then you can't consider yourself a citizen of the United States of America. I…
A better question is why does the Federal government consider Marijuana a more harmful substance than Cocaine and LSD. Marijuana is a Class 1 controlled substance, Right up there with Heroin. LSD IS A CLASS 3. I've known a few people back in Highschool that fried their brains on acid.
Ok so at my current viewing location which is a huge field with no city lights nearby there will be an average of 8 meteors per hour with the shower peaking at 5am. and ending at about 7 when the sun comes up. Guess I'm dragging the kids to the country tonight.
Youtube to the rescue.
well depending on how much bismuth is used and how skilled you are at telling when it is cooled off just enough to pour depends on how big you can make these structures. the one in the picture is probably only about an inch or an inch and a half in size. Throw in about three or four large fishing weights and you…
I've obsessed about what other people might think about what I say so I can understand about being afraid of being ridiculed. Kudos to you for speaking your mind even though to have left yourself open. I just typed a long, almost half article about it but I deleted it. Sometimes we can be our own worst critics. It's…
Anybody ever see the full scale Claptrap model in the Gearbox studios HQ in Plano, Texas
But... I am White.
Who can I/We email to voice our opinion on this commenting system Stephen? I want to be as respectful as I can but, so far the vast majority of the comments posted using this new system are about how bad the system is. Not just on Kotaku but across all of the Gwaker media sites.
@Shiloa: oh shut the fuck up. have a heart
I stand corrected and now feel like an ass. The UK is a country.. but i was still right about the states thing
@lordhewlett: holy crap your right the UK is not a country. But the US is a Country. Hence the song "My Country tis of thee."
@AnonAMoose: HA!!! i found the picture of the game
Jezzus! I remember my old Bally Professional Arcade. I was soo jazzed cus we even had the exact same tv model that was on the box.