

Well, if they sound as good as they look, I'll definitely be a little jealous of the PS3 folks.

@Nitesh I'm with you. I have no idea what baldbeaver was on about.

I would like to announce for public record, that I would pay unreasonable amounts of money for a huge, stuffed Mr. Saturn.

Question for you: What makes the PS3 version of Portal 2 better? Assuming that you aren't going to jump at Steam integration as the reason.

Well said.

He saved your hands from the Playstation claw of doom. :)

Also, looking for laughs, not a flame war. (Kotaku says "Comment read failed" whenever I try to edit my comment.)

I'd get a laugh if they open the conference by saying "Xbox Live has never been down for 23 days" and then proceed to walk off the stage.

Metal Gears are born as children and require a caretaker to raise them to adulthood as responsible and well rounded war machines.

That's an interesting point(not the chuckle). The diversity of those symbols and words, yet both Master Chief and Cortana are listed there.

There is a reason Nintendo wanted to be rid of Rare. They were on the decline before Microsoft got in there.

The point of the exercise isn't to go after pirates. These games get sold, used, at a price very close to the original retail. The publishers have been pissed for years that somebody is effectively selling their game a second time and they aren't seeing a dime.

Yeah, I think there is some misunderstanding around his words. I agree that he was speaking about people such as you and I. I only purchase physical copies(on consoles) and the only thing I ever download from PSN and Live are free demos and such. I'll be sure to catch some free games for the downtime, but it's

By what measure, is this not an accomplishment? This guy has probably spent some time figuring this out and is proud of himself. That's an accomplishment, especially in an age where we get handed achievements/trophies for only watching a cut-scene.

Here here! Long live the SNES!

Perhaps dog food is made to smell like Chef Boyardee?

Great comment. Thank you. :D

This has nothing to do with "this generation". I am a paying customer and my personal information was compromised while they were overseeing it. I don't want to wait days, weeks or months to know that; I want to know in minutes. Credit cards have to be cancelled and passwords have to be changed.

Well, the squid doesn't have the intelligence to start a space program, so I'm sure it'll be fine.