
The same thing happened to VGCats. The art-style was clean and very well done, then he got a tablet and ironically the art suffered.

It's possible that the bacteria build up at any point between production and installation. These aren't manufactured in a sterile environment, in fact, typically the opposite.

I'm not sure that L4D classifies as "frantic". Maybe I played too much of it.

Hmm... looks like 2K starts a new financial quarter in June. I bet that has nothing to do with it. (/sarcasm)

Comment of the day. :D


Pretty much.

LOL +1


Perhaps the mobile game industry will kill itself for Nintendo. Suicide saves them a lot of marketing dollars.

They know what they are doing. They are making measurable progress, just none that you are pleased with.

Do GPS receivers not have some sort of address, like a MAC? Or do they indiscriminately send out signal? (I do realise that GPS sats only transmit, not receive) that even real?

Well, I will say this: That cylindrical UI that the avatars are controlling their "experience" with, is awesome looking.

Regardless of how "negative" most comments towards the game now seem, I'll be buying.

Actually, he should get points for managing to actually use that line in a relevant way.

I did not know that about Target. Is Target the primary lease-holder or investment trust that owns that property? That would make a difference.

Different strokes.

Wait, did that Officer harass them on private property?

With such a large and reasonably well built online service, most publishers drool at the idea of such a cash-cow.