oh no- I know that and it is a scary stat..but he is a toddler. He predict he will loose it on an exponential level once she starts throwing down.
oh no- I know that and it is a scary stat..but he is a toddler. He predict he will loose it on an exponential level once she starts throwing down.
lost all credibility with your very first word
unreliable source
actually- I do. He ISNT running. Why are all the “wives” offlimits but BC isn’t?
I bet she has over a gazillajillion retorts all ready to go based on whatever the drumpf spits out. Every one will be as sharp as a knife and intended to slay. Should be simple- his vocab only consists of about 50 words.
^part of the problem
no- he is.
uhhh that was no accident.
you know what WOULD be great- if the collective GOP women- who aren’t complete and utter asshats ( like palin, Bachmann, Ayotte) staged a coup and took over the GD party and set it straight - like tiger moms.
yes!! exactly!!!
SHE can do whatever SHE wants with her body. her life, her career. HE DOES NOT GET A SAY IN ANY OF IT.
don't have to be white to play the male priviledge card
I’m going with he is a major author of many of these tweets- case in point- keeps saying she sucks
don’t feel bad-
flu like symptoms in a man his age can and often are the early stages of heart attack/stroke.
It’s about penis power. He had it, she didn’t. She got ousted.
basically- they gave the bad actor- both their salaries
a mistake? NO. that is the last thing it was.
wow. she may may a regulat dipshit but NO ONE deserves to be humiliated by a cheating partner this way. No. ONE.