well...trumpy is almost 70 and has never lived a particularly rigorous life. Being on the road, stumping- is surprising hard and exhausting. He is starting to show stress fractures and I predict will blow EPICALLY- very soon..
well...trumpy is almost 70 and has never lived a particularly rigorous life. Being on the road, stumping- is surprising hard and exhausting. He is starting to show stress fractures and I predict will blow EPICALLY- very soon..
that is both sad and silly
mmmm yeah. seems like there are women from Massachusetts that could have taken on the role. Ms Warren for one.,,, someone actually working FOR vets (and women )
is that even possible?
you may want to read up on post-vasectomy pregnancies...if that’s your sole method ..also my nephew was a PVP
the WHAT? no. esp. perry.
uh- no. not free. Built into the price of the meal.
you shouldnt blame her completely for the mind seeping 24 hours news cycle.
i'm guessing unlimited, vicious rape threats from sad little men who think sportz matter had more to do with her Giant step backwards than anything else.
the UK - stronghold of misogyny
no. its clearly not. not in this specific situation
then...why did they ASSIGN her that position???
you cant compare broken trust and transparency with Unbroken trust and privacy.
The one about not giving up your passwords and privacy- that’s a big ole nope.
bartended for YEARS- the smell of Gin made me want to retch everytime.
and likely the first guy in the room to say that women overreact when getting online threats...
ya know—not enough blame IS being put on this teacher. I see an very unneeded escalation for a pretty damn minor offence. Start with his inability to
what the HOLY FUCK are you talking about. she had the phone on her desk for a hot minute.