
Isn’t HBO Now a US-only service? If they made it available in my country I’d subscribe in a heartbeat. As it is if I wanted to watch all HBO shows I’d need to subscribe to about three or four different streaming services AND a cable provider (who currently has exclusive rights to Game of Thrones). I don’t even want to

Are you a Kiwi or elsewhere in the Commonwealth? I imagine it would have been similar in Australia, Canada etc. I went to an International Jamboree in NZ and there were lots of Guides there from around the world, it was funny how similar the Commonwealth and former Commonwealth country systems were.

My understanding is they’re affiliated under and international guiding organisation. I was a Girl Guide in NZ and I’m fairly sure I had to pledge to serve my God, country and QUEEN! It might have changed by now but there was still a huge colonial hangover mentality when I was in it.

Completely OT but I’ve just seen the Guardian report that Obama has just commuted Chelsea Manning’s sentence!!!!

Omg way too much cute!!!

How Obama presumably reads books (in a non-evil way):

I know right. This schadenfreude is keeping me alive right now.

Fuck me I love her so much #goddess

I don’t know, your response also seems 100% appropriate and warranted to me.

I live in Australia, and yes I do as long as you don’t mind lots and lots of cat hair. The politics here is a bit weird, I just moved here last year from NZ so I’m still adjusting. Great public healthcare system, but probably still ages away from marriage equality, which is really doing my head in.

Oh fuck, I’m so sorry.

Every so often I’ll remember that he’s going to be POTUS and it takes all my self control not to go on a sweary rant. And I’m not even American, I can’t even imagine how bad it is for you guys.

Seriously, you’re the one who brought the whole thing up in the first place, lady!

Oh bless him.

Probably not, which is their loss. Everyone should see it. EVERYONE. I think it’s better than Frozen.

Thank you! Maybe it’s just because I’m a little obsessed with that movie, or because several of the main people involved in it are fellow Kiwis whose careers I’ve been following for years, but Moana definitely merits a mention here. Particularly given the whitewashing of Polynesian characters/people in Hollywood films

It wouldn’t surprise me. Going at 90 with pretty decent physical and mental health wouldn’t be too awful, though.

I’m so sorry that you’re going through this. I lost my grandfather this year too, just a month before my wedding. I think I still haven’t fully processed the fact that he’s gone.

Yes these are the ones I’m referring to. The gross rape joke is on video, I won’t argue that, but most of the rest of those quotes are from the Daily Mail. Given that they regularly alter or completely fabricate quotes and even entire stories, I wouldn’t put money on him having actually said those things.