
The whole Hiddleswift thing is making me appreciate these two even more, they seem like such a good match.

Yeah I don't think anything could top that.

TW is definitely one of my favourite people, although it's borderline criminal how talented he is. Sadly I’ve not yet seen Hunt for the Wilderpeople due to general life upheaval from moving from Auckland to Sydney earlier this year but I hear it’s amazing.

Yeah but you've got Taika Waititi and Mark Ruffalo there also working on Thor 3, so...balance?

Omg why can't they stay away from me!!

What I really need to know is what does Benedict Cumberbatch think about all this? I bet he’s given TH some seriously honest advice, probably with lots of swears in it.

My partner is Australian and I always wonder if he's subtly mocking my accent.

Aaaah that famous Harbour Bidge!

For dinner tonight I made myself fettuccine with thinly sliced salami, garlic and capsicum fried in olive oil and a dash or two of red wine. It was absolute heaven. Life without pasta would not be worth living.

Pretty much all of this. No need to apologise for swearing, I’m a complete potty mouth!

Yeah I’m not sure about the washing machine thing, the only source I can find for that is some rando from reddit.

Plus I remember hearing a rumour a while ago that he didn’t know how to use a washing machine and had to get his mum to do all his laundry for him, but I can’t remember the source of that rumour so it may have been something that my brain made up.

Is he maybe just a little bit naive and immature for his age? Those are the kinds of things that sound ridiculous at 25, let alone 35.

God I miss sassy gay friend!!

He said that? Ugh! I also remember him saying in an interview once that he believed a man should treat his lady “like a princess”.

Oh poor kitty!! Sending healing vibes her way! They get themselves into some scrapes, don’t they.

I kind of love how grumpy he is sometimes. He’s got a pretty standard London accent but is apparently posher than he sounds (I’ve just Wikipedia’d - his dad is a Baronet so presumbly he will be one day too unless he’s got an older brother!). She sounds incredibly posh, she’s one of those posh Scots though who sound

Kit Harrington has really grown on me these last few weeks. I think it’s a combination of his performance in the Battle of the Bastards episode and seeing his angry reaction to the Brexit vote. The man might be a bit of a hot head but his heart seems to be in the right place.