Ann Veal

Ohhh, this makes me so sad. George Michael and I desperately want to have babies, but he lost his job a year and a half ago unexpectedly, and we're still not back on our feet. Granted, we're still on our twenties, but we went from wanting five kids to three to "well...we have a cat."

Shaman King (the manga, not the anime) has been my favorite shonen since forever. It starts off kind of doofy, but then it picks up speed. And Anna Kyoyama is hands down the best female character in a manga ever. Ever!!

Y'alI, I'm on break for my first day of training at Star Tours in Disney World, and I haven't been this happy at a job in ages. I've spent the past year and a half living with my parents after George Michael lost his job, and I worked for two and a half years at a school where I commuted 15+ hours a week, worked from

If Seth Meyers is engaged, I think the real question is...what will Stefon do?

Oh god. The SNL baby toupee fake commercial has come to fruition.

Peter Pan is one of my favorites to ride!! I'm pretty sure it's my favorite dark ride. Either that or the new Little Mermaid ride.

So I know weddings, in the grand scheme of things, are not necessarily the most important thing in the world. But I HATED my wedding- bridal shower, bachelorette party, wedding itself. I've been married for three years and it still makes me sad to think about how miserable I was. It wasn't the stuff or the dress or

I'm doing it!!! I've never successfully completed a NaNo before, so I'm hoping this year will be different.

This is my favorite thing!!

Plain Truth was pretty good! And Nineteen Minutes was decent, just a dissatisfying ending. The worst one I've read so far is Handle With Care. Ugh. The worst.

Someone recommended Jodi Picoult, and now I want to know why they hate me. She writes such utterly miserable, unlikable characters. Every time I read one, all I can think is "my god, Jodi Picoult, who pissed in your Cheerios?"

Last week I was still waiting to figure out where exactly I was going to be working, and now I know...I GET TO WORK AT STAR TOURS!!!

I shall!! Hopefully I'll know on Tuesday. :)

My gif is not giffing, but this the only way I can properly express my gratitude. :D

That would probably be a good plan!! I hate feeling like a freeloader. I did clean the bedroom and bathroom I'm sharing today, though!

Baked potatoes are my JAM!! Are there any particular tricks to cooking them in the microwave as opposed to the oven?

It is not! :) George Michael really loved How to Train your Dragon.

I wish I had the gear to sauté- that sounds so delicious. You have successfully made me hungry.

Ugh, I miss my crockpot so much. It's back in the storage unit with George Michael, and I really don't want to buy a new one or have him dig it out and ship it to me. :(

I'll be sure to check packages to make sure they're microwave safe, then. Thank you!! I'm excited about this!! :D