

I think she’s just trying to say - so suddenly women-starring roles are news if they are doing big dumb boy things like blowing stuff up.
I think wonder woman is great, but I think she also has a point - its a pretty superficial film, and there is so much more to what “roles for women” can be.

Now playing

Does this mean they can finally do the PLL Mothers spinoff? It has Hallmark Movie and Mysteries channel written all over it.

Dear Jane,

My face during the entire Ezra/Aria wedding plot-line.

I’m just LIVID that like, the only thing the girls are focused on is having babies. What. The. Hell.

Janel Parrish has to keep playing murderous psychos for years to come. I insist!

Perfect timing! This moment in GLOW episode 5(?) made me nearly double over in laughter. She’s a revelation in this.

Trump is signalling his heterosexuality, otherwise the guy might find him attractive.

And she looks like Ivanka...

Halsey is annoying af. I can’t believe y’all let her be a thing.

The Riverdale Luke Perry BETTER stick around!!!!

A friend of mine was asking if Ashley Benson has any other films or tv shows or personal appearances at the grand opening of a new Uniqlo or anything coming up in the near future. Does anyone know? Obviously I don’t care one way or the other but I want to be able to tell my friend, who is not dumb and pathetic like

Ivanka Trump is A.

Church stops telling people who and how to fuck, people will stop bring their fucking-related issues to church.

Taika Waititi

I took my 74 year old mother to see Ghostbusters when it came out last summer. When Chris Hemsworth came on screen, she loudly *whispered “WHO IS THAT?” and I blew popcorn out my mouth in a joyful/mortified spit take.