
Totally agree.

Evidently a million Zuckers and Abrahams is not nearly as potent as one Tannenbaum.

Dying in Sarah McLachlan's arms sounds like cruelty to me.

I'm really not sure what to do with this comment. I completely agree with your argument but think the substance of it (murderers/rapists/warlords- really?) was ridiculously hyperbolic. Further complicating matters, the "fellas" at the end, you clearly realize this was written by a woman right?

Do you honestly think the men are getting off (heh, heh) easier (hehehehe)? Puns aside? One lost his job, the other probably will soon. They may not be getting judged the same way socially as the women, but the reaction has hardly been a "boys will be boys" type deal.

Irresponsible? Yes. Crazy? I suppose it depends on your definition of crazy. Knowing men the way I do (because I am one) I think it would be crazier to find any of them that don't occasionally allow themselves to think entirely with their dicks., so good. I know it's a bit of a faux pas to do a very dude-bro-ey thing like this around here, but I'm gonna go ahead and give you a "+1"

There was a thing on the Funbag at Deadspin a few days ago where a guy wrote in talking about what a horrible experience pooping was the day he left his phone at home. I really hope it never happens to me.

But relationships can also be torn apart by alcohol, drugs, gambling, infidelity and a whole host of other things as well. Porn is addictive to some people, but like all vices more people than not can co-exist with them without it becoming the super destructive influence you claim it is.

Totally unnecessary snark.

Like a man should....Thank you. I hate that the waify, effeminate, twinky gay guy has become the default image of gayness. Some of them are even downright, (collective gasp and pearl-clutching from the Jezebel commentariat) Dude-Bro-y.

Well said. Evidently trope like this, designed to inspire manufactured indignation about the same old stuff ("OMGz!!! TEH PATRIARCHY IS EXPLOITING OUR SISTERS!") is more important than real shit.

I don't know, but I guarantee you some hipster douche from Brooklyn has probably tried it.

I never said they were. But comments like the above are where the two overlap.

1.5m ipads is approximately 4000 units. You think the police are going to visit 4000 people to question them about stolen ipads???

I would put money on the fact that you're a sex-negative anti-porn crusader looking to blame all society's ills on the evils of porn. Oh the humanity. Mental desensitization is far less common than physical desensitization (e.g. DEATH GRIP), and that's a fact.

Yup. Same with me. It's always been more of a blessing than a curse. However I also find that abstaining from solo sessions helps with the "problem."

The lack of any self-righteous rants about income inequality or air conditioning makes me think that's unlikely. That guy can't write a fucking text without getting on his high horse.

I myself have somewht of a slow trigger, and I LOVE it. I mean sometimes it is a pain, but being able to rock a girl's world all night long and bask in the knowledge that she thinks you're a sex god? Worth it!

"*Nearly* four years experience"