Andrew York

It’s 2017 and you still don’t know what Nintendo’s focus is on. You should be embarrassed.

Peace is a lie. There is only passion.

There is really no reason why he should not be there. He probably has the whole set of Nintendo console at home and plays them once in while. Even if he would not enjoy them, it’s pretty much his responsibility as Sony exec to keep taps on the competition.

James Franco’s 4th brother there looks like he is about to be touched inappropriately by an old homeless Russian man.

I’ve been in “niche” roles throughout my career, and it never really made that much of a difference. Part of it was poor marketing on my part, but also people don’t genuinely value and appreciate what you did until you’re gone.

This is a pretty good rundown of my years as a sysadmin:

“Sir, if we just cut the giant metal skull form the plan, we’d be under budget and ahead of -”

Hell this could be an awesome idea for a gated community, there are already golf course communities, communities with pools, tennis courts, etc... A community with a shared car shop with lifts, tools, and stuff would be an awesome place to live in.

This is the correct answer to the problem. My property does not get to determine whether I live or die, not for orphans, not for priests, not for the president.

Apps for games I own, nope, not going to download, I really do not care.

Video Game Shit I’m Too Old For: Grinding.

I started playing this when it went free to play and only got to the third planet before it lost me i really should go back.

I’ve also seen the inverse which is people with new and fresh ideas being shut out by entrenched workers who block change because they don’t want to learn.

Has he filed any complaints with HR prior to his termination? What is the exact cause of separation? Call me cynical, but I had to deal with far too many 100% justified with abundant cause terms where “I’ll sue you!” gets tossed around and a few months later there is a 2-bit lawyer bringing up all kinds of imaginary

USB-C 3.1 would make this perfect

Now playing

His other video might help to all of you who are wondering.

(Ungray please. :D)

This should be normal PC game. Everybody would be happy.

Now playing

I’d take a (more typically anime) fighting Link as well, please.

Harlock was awesome!