
This is simply not true. Please name 5 “restriction of freedom” plans outlined by Clinton. I can give you 10 from Trump, so 5 should be pretty easy.

Nah. Fuck you.

Idiots thought Obama was the end of the world...

Um, no. She’s not a criminal. She hasn’t broken a single law that we know of. If you’re aware of something the rest of us are not, you should immediately notify the FBI. Otherwise you’re just making yourself look foolish.

Oh stop. He was given a choice:

Fifty stars for you, sir / ma’am.

Reading this almost solidifies the idea that this whole thing is a dream. These people can’t be real...right?

The difference is, Americans are fucking idiots.

No, you’re wrong. Donald Trump is a gas bag full of hate and insanely dumb ideas. He is by far the most unqualified public servant in the history of our country. Hillary surely wasn’t great, but at least she was qualified for office. Any functioning human being should have been able to make this distinction.

Chromebooks are great, they really are...but manufacturers need to stop putting 1366 x 768 displays in them. It’s 2016, for Christ’s sake.

Chromebooks are great, they really are...but manufacturers need to stop putting 1366 x 768 displays in them. It’s

Outvoted = wrong? That’s a pretty interesting view.

Regardless of whether you’re liberal or conservative it should have been painfully obvious to you as a functional human being that Donald Trump would not make a good leader for our country, and the world.

Smart conservatives, perhaps. The vast majority of Trump voters I’ve spoken to had absolutely no clue that there was a vacancy to be filled.

It seems absolutely unreal to me - a man - that this article needed to be written. Fuck Donald Trump, fuck religious conservatives, and fuck anyone else who thinks they have the right to control a woman’s reproductive life. This shit is just surreal, and should be viewed as unacceptable in a civilized society.

As if TouchWiz wasn’t enough of a reason to avoid purchasing a Samsung phone.

I’ll be sure to keep my heroin use on the down low, in my safe spaces.

iOS apparently prefers heroine over heroin. Corrected it immediately via an edit, but I applaud your humor regardless.

America isn’t dead, it’s just on a four-year heroin bender.

It’s amazing that the CEO of a cyber security firm was dumb enough to post this on social media. Apparently successful companies are just choosing their CEOs at random now. Gives me hope.