
For those interested in All-Clad’s performance but are put off by the price (like I was), I’ll say that I’ve been extremely happy with the Emeril “Pro-Clad” cookware. It’s designed / made by All-Clad, and has the same all-encompassing aluminum core as their traditional cookware. The 10” fry pan in this set looks /

For those interested in All-Clad’s performance but are put off by the price (like I was), I’ll say that I’ve been

Unfortunately, famous =/= smart most of the time.

Your second paragraph contains the kind of empathy that could transform our society if it somehow became universal. As a white American man, I wholeheartedly agree with you. It’s a shame that the white American men who hold real power do not.

Enjoy eating all the Teflon that comes off your scratched up pan, bro.

Enjoy eating all the Teflon that comes off your scratched up pan, bro.

Hell yes. Cold brew is my favorite way of making coffee. I even drink it in the winter!

Hell yes. Cold brew is my favorite way of making coffee. I even drink it in the winter!

Interesting. I enjoyed the Chemex for a time, but there's just something flat about the coffee it produces. At least in my opinion. People say it's the oils (or the body) removed by the filter, but sometimes I pour my FP coffee through a Chemex filter to store it in the fridge and it still tastes better to me than

Interesting. I enjoyed the Chemex for a time, but there's just something flat about the coffee it produces. At least

Barkeeper's Friend. Your stainless pans will look brand new 10 years from now.

Barkeeper's Friend. Your stainless pans will look brand new 10 years from now.

Barkeeper's Friend is amazing. You're going to be shocked. Guaranteed to make your stainless pans look like new. Works incredibly well at cleaning bathroom fixtures / tile floors / anything stainless, too.

Barkeeper's Friend is amazing. You're going to be shocked. Guaranteed to make your stainless pans look like new.

Haha. Yeah. I had to fight tooth and nail to get a 2x2 square of counter space for my kitchen gadgets. Meanwhile she has a collection of rolling pins...

Haha. Yeah. I had to fight tooth and nail to get a 2x2 square of counter space for my kitchen gadgets. Meanwhile she

If you use a stainless steel filter (rather than the paper ones) you get all the oils and the body. I use this one:

If you use a stainless steel filter (rather than the paper ones) you get all the oils and the body. I use this one:

I make French press coffee every single morning - (2) 20 oz mugs full for my wife and I - in a Bodum 51 oz press. The coffee tastes amazing for sure - way better than my old Chemex - but I actually prefer the taste of Aeropress coffee when I have time to make it. Same water, same beans, same grinder (Baratza Virtuoso)

I make French press coffee every single morning - (2) 20 oz mugs full for my wife and I - in a Bodum 51 oz press.

Bowls are sold out. Bullshit.

Bowls are sold out. Bullshit.

Republicans are all for allowing the free market to do its thing, unless it hurts their donor's profits, of course.

My main problem is not necessarily the length of my commute, but that I may not be able to sit down and drink my coffee until later in the day. The Contigo works really well as a travel mug (drinking on-the-go in the car), but I find that after 3-4 hours the coffee is luke-warm. Hydroflask seems to keep it hot

My main problem is not necessarily the length of my commute, but that I may not be able to sit down and drink my

This is awesome! Thank you.

This is awesome! Thank you.

This is awesome! Thank you.

This is awesome! Thank you.

I own and enjoy using the Contigo Autoseal mug when traveling, but for carrying hot / cold beverages to the office - or any other place I may not be able to immediately drink - I prefer a Hydroflask. The 21 oz standard mouth version keeps drinks hot / cold far longer than the Contigo, and it has an available

I own and enjoy using the Contigo Autoseal mug when traveling, but for carrying hot / cold beverages to the office -

My only complaint about EOS is the vessel. Great for purses, absolutely horrible for suit / pants pockets. Plus it gets gunky over time. I wish they'd make it in a standard lip balm container, because the product itself is amazing. Better than Burt's for sure.

My only complaint about EOS is the vessel. Great for purses, absolutely horrible for suit / pants pockets. Plus it

Hard to believe this hasn't gotten more traction. I used Burt's for years but actually like this a lot better.

Hard to believe this hasn't gotten more traction. I used Burt's for years but actually like this a lot better.