
I strongly dislike the "greys" system. It's frustrating when you make a well written, enlightening post only to have it remain unseen by the masses. As self-centered as that sounds, some of us are actually looking to engage in conversation with other humans on the internet to gain prospective into other trains of


This. It's frustrating when you make a well written, enlightening post only to have it remain unseen by the masses. As self-centered as that sounds, some of us are actually looking to engage in conversation with other humans on the internet to gain prospective into other trains of thought. The grey system is awful

Not a single option with a detachable cable? ATH-M50x < M50.

Not a single option with a detachable cable? ATH-M50x < M50.

Non-removable cables, cheap foam ear pads. If it weren't for those two things, I'd be all over a pair of Grado cans.

Non-removable cables, cheap foam ear pads. If it weren't for those two things, I'd be all over a pair of Grado cans.

Any pair of headphones with cheap foam ear pads are garbage, IMO. Any pair of headphones without a removable cable is also garbage. I would love to buy a pair of Grado cans, but if I'm going to spend $200+ on a pair of headphones I expect to be able to replace the cord when I inevitably yank it too hard, and I expect

Any pair of headphones with cheap foam ear pads are garbage, IMO. Any pair of headphones without a removable cable

Fuck the police.

Who cares? Honestly. This guy is a fucking nobody. Writing a story about something he said will only make him want to say more stupid things. People need to find something better to do with their time than sit around and cry about shit a random dumb ass said on the internet. Clearly this kid was not actually

I'm sure my employer will be perfectly fine with me working 20 minutes a day. Who cares if there are no photos for the spread? I'm trying to preserve my creative integrity.

It's a strange thing, this internet. I don't know when it all became so hateful, but it definitely took a turn for the worse somewhere along the way. What kind of man/boy would threaten to rape a woman for sharing her opinions online? When I sit here and really let that sink in, it becomes unreal to me. Some