
It means the cat's actually a cheetah. And way too smart to get stuck in some silly box with uranium and cyanide.

Maybe don't click on and then read a post titled 'Most mind-blowing surprise endings'?

This, a thousand times yes. I desperately wanted more VM, one of the only shows my fiancé introduced me to that I got completely sucked into. The dad in the series sells the whole thing.

Read some Daniel Quinn. Inequities in food availability can indeed be temporarily overcome, which leads to population growth in areas that cannot support the population already there, which in turn leads to more starvation, and so on.

A little indie film from the 70s called "Alien."

I've got to say, for me the thinness/weight issue actually kept me from upgrading to the 3... I've had my ipad 2 since June and I use it constantly, and IMO it's still SLIGHTLY too heavy to feel completely 'natural' to use lounging on the couch/in bed. Going heavier by any amount at all, even for a better screen,

Im gonna have to step in and call bullshit on this urban legend/conspiracy crap.

Srsly? Director's Cut KOH is miles better than Robin Hood. Honestly RH is the only true letdown Scott film I can think of, and almost entirely a script problem so I'm truly hopeful...

A single survival wouldn't prove anything, but if you try and fail to kill yourself 100 times, you should start thinking that either A) God's watching out for you, or B) the MWI is correct, and though you've actually succeeded in offing yourself 100 times, you now find yourself by default in one of the few universes

Read Daniel Quinn - there's TOO MUCH food. And too many people.

Yeah I figured as much, but then didn't 300 get some press on io9 back in the day? I'd say Spartacus has about as much historical vs fantasy breakdown as that did for the Battle of Thermopylae, at least from what I know of the historical Spartacus and the subsequent rebellion against Rome (not to mention the

Hey io9, I love you guys, but given some of the weaker shows we get constant updates on (I'm looking at you, Alcatraz/Touch), why no spoilers/updates on Season 2 of Spartacus???

Fantastic finale. And the last chance to see Andy Whitfield thanks to fucking NHL.

OK, I don't know if you're the first to suggest this or not, but I now desperately want to see a movie that acknowledges the shared universe of Zeist and AvP... Specifically with immortal alien Sean Connery battling PredAliens under an Ozone-less orange sky.

Count me as one who thought the ending to Quantum Leap is the perfect example of #6, and the only way that show could have ended. Honestly, I just rewatched it and it's still bloody perfect.

Thank you for this. Just when the daily stresses were threatening to overtake, it's good to be reminded of the true scale of things.

See, I never had a problem with 2010 or 2061... But this is exactly how I felt about 3001. Frakking ID4-Jeff-Goldblum-computer-virus???? Seriously??? Talk about destroying the mystery....

You know, the weird thing is I actually like the new movie costume better than the new comics one, for several reasons:

Dude... McCoy is really taking that divorce hard.

I'm a DC guy... but that's possibly one of the most badass things I've ever seen. If I could go back in time and tell my 10 year old self that they'd make a movie someday where Thor and Captain America are standing in the midst of a ruined NYC, I'd never have believed me.