
To Say Nothing of the Dog is my favorite novel.

This is what gives me hope that we will one day see Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy on the big screen, starring Hamill, Fischer, and Ford.

@FThorn: Well, for those of us who think the SS were told to hang back in Dallas, them not liking the guy doesn't help much.

@Balmut: Not sure on the first part, but he clearly takes that as a sign that it's a setup, and therefore real. It's one of the only real clues pointing that way though, in the face of a LOT of hints it's all his implanted adventure. The ambiguity is what makes it such a good watch, of course.

@Balmut: Not really, the question is whether he's still strapped into the machine living out his well-paid for vacation. "Blue skies on Mars," and whathaveyou. The entire "action-man" storyline he paid for in the beginning is the double-agent trip to Mars with alien ruins and blue skies adventure he ends up having.

@Sam: I like both, but LOVE is the only appropriate word for the team that is Cumberbatch and Freeman!!!!

That's the plot of Superman: Birthright, arguably the best origin story for TMOS there is.

@albokay: Reeve. George Reeves.

@xdeathknightx: To which he will reply at the inevitable bail hearing:

@TemporalOutLaw: I dunno, sounds like the perfect partner if you've got a fear of commitment.

@spikespeigel: That's exactly what I was thinking. Let's hope it's in an alternate take they put in the film. The opportunity's too good to pass up.

@golferal: And yet she's kind of hot in a naughty, librarian kind of way.

@Star Vixen: I just want to want to propose :(

@zim11: Or, you know, that physical torture makes them tell you only what you want to hear, and you actually endanger more lives by chasing down bullshit leads as a result.

Dear Nolan and Snyder,