
We arrived at our local AMC with pre-purchased print-off tickets Thursday night for a 10pm showing. We were directed into the “line” with the rest of the people waiting for the showings that night. It was like 4 different theaters. All of a sudden some theater guy comes and says “hey we are seating for the 10pm in

10 minutes of DM, 30-5. The gun is OK as hrll. BUT if you miss, at range, the reload time opens you up.

radiolab > tal

B^2 Because it makes as much sense as your taste in hipster porn.

I’m implying the author sourced the info from the diablo sub, who found this first.

Give Creddit where cReddit is due.

I have shit internet, 1.5mb, and it STILL is fine.

I5 and a 770 GTX, no issues, just lowered the visuals and changed some settings. People trying to run max settings were having the issue and whining about it as far I could tell on reddit.

I’m 27 and the idea of having relations with a high-school is revolting and disgusting. What the fuck is wrong with people? Here’s my legal advice: Move to a state that allows euthanasia and do us all a favor, euthanize yourself.

Seriously, quit giving the neck-beards on BOTH sides time, and the problem will solve itself. Angry attention-seeking basement dwelling men and pitchfork carrying feminists need to go away. Now.

Why? Drake sucks, and so does that Jacket.

A few years ago when Matthew Berry was funneling his twitter followers to this shit, I called him out that he needed to disclose that he was getting paid, and not because he felt like these were good for fantasy sports. He blocked me on twitter, and demanded a bribe be paid by supporting another organization he is on

Matthew Berry blocked me on Twitter for calling him a shameless cunt last year when he refused to admit he was being paid by these fucks.

I was flying frontier. Took flight from MSP to DEN. Got off airplane. Low and behold, exact same crew and equipment was my connection to PDX.

Your first mistake is looking at the Alstrom Bro's score - look at the crowdsourced score. Ice is a 56.

My grandpa has said far worse stuff. Old people. Cant live with them, cant turn them into soylent green.

I have a younger sister (under 30 years old) who is a self-involved, ego-maniacal, hypocritical-facebook-Christian. You know, the type that posts a cleavage bikini pic drunk as a skunk from VEGAS BABY then posts something from 1 Corinthians about loving one another, or something about how god always opens windows or

My sister's boyfriend's 2nd cousin thrice removed disagrees!

Does it destroy the item when you cube it? And can you recube? Don’t want to burn my ancient furnace if it goes away

I actually saw Walk the Moon when they were opening for Young the Giant, like 3+ years ago. They were a lot less douchey back then.