
Answer: This.

Feudal Japan. FEUDAL. JAPAN.

Since a girl with a colorful scarf and a droopy hat is a Doctor. Sadface.

Kotaku (and media et. al.) cares more about VGX than the gamers cared about VGX, than VGX cared about the VGX.

This is my favorite thing today. It wins. This is so funny.

What an asshole!

Okay, so what this is telling me, seriously, is that gears are simply misaligned. By flipping the box, and pounding it, you are simply realigning gears.

My kindle fire hdx showed up on Monday with a line of dead pixels. I pushed the mayday button like you see in the commercials. 15 seconds later I had a person on the other end. 5 minutes later they shipped a new one. Wednesday morning UPS showed up, took my broken Kindle, gave me a new one. 100% turnaround in under 36

Chicken Little.

And yet, a lowly Beloit team took them down, held them to 85 points, and embarrassed them, and ESPN who decided to air the game on the deuce.

They are required to treat them. Then all of us who have insurance pay for it. It's one of the litany of reasons why health care is so expensive.

Sean you missed a letter in your headline. I believe you need an extra 'i' in one of the words.

It's too bad he's using P-Zeros... oh wait, thats right, he WANTS to lose control of his car. :)

I tried to post a "dont tase me bro" gif, followed by a Hangover "IN THE FACE" gif, but you know, Kinja.

I'm pretty sure this was solved 10+ years ago by the Japanese.

Control complaints. Seriously. Learn how to game. Seriously. You are sad.

In fangorn forest, trees hit YOU!

This is so stupid. You know what has less horsepower but is more powerful?

7. Stack all the boxes of your new gear, take a picture, post on internet, then prepare for the onslaught of "oh, you only went for a i5? NOOB!" and "You plan on playing battlefield 4 at max setting with only 12gb ram? I had 12gb in 2008! NOOB!"

"Lets all assume it is Pot because he is african american." -Collective Internet.