Why do they flip out about that dude leaving games 2x?
Why do they flip out about that dude leaving games 2x?
I like how (at least on my screen) that at the end of an article about how to fund a micro-terror cell anywhere in the world there is an advertisement for a phone with pictures of Batman on it, who we know has his own private, secretive terror cell in Gotham. You think Lucius Fox is running this site?
Gotcha, i didnt realize MAG went that big! Also, its been a long time since ive delved into the halo verse :)
Im pretty sure halo 2 big team battle maps had 15 a side? I cant really think of other games though that have supported more than that...
You need to remember that the Console cap is in place due to the memory bandwidth necessary to support the gameplay and the capabilities of the console to handle the data. I believe it was noted that the PC's that can run the big-ass maps with the huge player counts can do so because of memory and processing power,…
I love the CQ maps, you get the great visuals and gameplay dynamic of Battlefield with the close quarters fast paced online experience of the CoD games.
Its old, and doesnt have nearly those specs, but it was a Gateway P-7807u FX I got on newegg for $1,000 shipped. It was on sale, so i guess that was cheating a bit :)
Wow thats expensive. I bought a damn Gateway gamer-focused laptop that runs diablo 3 like a damn peach and it cost nearly half as much.
There were MANY people i knew that refused to see those kinds of movies until they heard that there was oscar buzz around Ledger's performance. Schills. I think that definately built up the film quite a bit. That being said, they were absolutely spot on in their assessment of the strength of the 2nd film, which I…
There were MANY people i knew that refused to see those kinds of movies until they heard that there was oscar buzz around Ledger's performance. Schills. I think that definately built up the film quite a bit. That being said, they were absolutely spot on in their assessment of the strength of the 2nd film, which I…
Wierd, wont let me edit. I wanted to add I wasn't critiquing your point. I agree wholeheartedly with both your points and the hilarity of the initial poster :)
I'd argue there are a couple of spoilers in there regarding the plot developments and character situations. That being said I really dont give a shit because ill still see the movie. I read all the "thrones" books and i had read all the LotR books before seeing the visual representations. This universe loosely mimics…
I listen to local sports talk in the AM, but I subscribe to ESPN Fantasy Focus football and baseball, Videogames Weekly (local radio's videogames show), Giant Bombcast, Radiolab, This American Life, Wait Wait Dont Tell Me, Car Talk, Love + Radio, and my personal favorite, and one that everyone needs to listen to:…
Annoying as shit. I would love to be in the beta, and I have no interest in Medal of Honor Modern Warfare Field 9. The leaked alpha footage shows that the game is the visual level of BF3, but the shit gameplay of MW3.
Yep, 100% sure. One of my friends moonlights as a valet and knew one of the other guys on staff that night. He works for a different location, same company. Confirmed it was a heavily modded M5 that belongs (or belonged now) to a Minnesota Timberwolves player.
I cant seem to figure out how to direct message with this system, so this was the best I could come up with. Battlefield's official twitter feed confirmed to me that they will not be granting BF4 Beta access to Bf3 Premium members. For shame.
FYI I confirmed via twitter/@Battlefield that they are, in fact, NOT giving beta access to the loyal fans who purchased BF3 Premium. Needless to say it is not only a slap in the face, but its a bad PR move by the company. For shame.
I drive a relatively modified Volvo S60 R (pushing 330HP right now) and was offered a race by one of the Valets in the lot after I left dinner at a decent restaurant in my neighborhood. naturally, I parked my own car, but had to drive by the stand to exit the lot. The valet that offered this race actually walked out…
I really like the multiplayer, but if you want to play Gold, you have to have a good team, which is hard to find, and Gold is the only way to effectively earn credits at a rate to get your weapons up to spec. I don't have 120 hours to dedicate to ME3 MP, and the fact that the unlocks are random, and take a ton of coin…
I just hope they give beta access to the LOYAL premium purchasers. I'd hate to think they stiff their biggest group of contributors.