You've Been Pooping All Wrong

You're supposed to squat when you poop. Did you hear me? Squatting. While pooping. Is the way to do it. Not this

Utena. :3 I used to make an Utena video every year like clockwork.

I've retired, but I've been an AMV editor since the late 90s. Even won some convention awards.

That is an excellent story. I'm sure it was well worth experiencing just for this moment and this thread.

Ugh, talkers on red eyes. It's on them for not having the grace to realize they are bothering others, but I kind of feel like it should be included in the flight attendant job description to clue them in. I realize they are very busy already, but a polite, "Excuse me. I just wanted to alert you: we have the lights

What God did you piss off in a past life?

I hate you both so much and I can not look away. Look for a terrifying series of emails, sugarhill.

My husband used the neti pot the other day without distilled water and I was horrified. What about the brain amoebas?! THEN, oh my god, he REFUSED to let me TELL HIM about the brain amoebas! I am so worried about the brain amoebas now.

I am enjoying the shit out of this exchange.

My headphones are big and noise insulating for a reason. It's not so I can be your friend.

I can't say that that's comforting Fluter.

I literally hate myself for remembering it so graphically so ... you still have the better end of the deal.

Oh man, when you fly for business, you learn so much about the human condition.

Meh. I can deal with people who want to take their shoes off—that simple act is a huge increase of comfort in the wasteland of discomfort that is coach, and most people don't have super-smelly feet, and frankly I put those "Feet are disgusting!" types of people right up there on my Get The Fuck Over Yourself shelf

can't believe I'm siding with Miley,but flag desecration laws are offensive and wrong.

Yep, that looks shopped. I can tell by the pixels and from having seen quite a few shops in my time.

I guess he saw something troubling and decided, "Let's get this over with"? I don't know if general anesthesia would have been necessary for that kind of biopsy, but if it is, I could understand not wanting to put an elderly person under again.