
Cho called out Stephanie for more than just the school girl outfits. I mean, there are lyrics about Gwen wanting her very own Harajuku girls. "I'd dress them wicked, I'd give them names." How is that NOT crossing a creepy line somewhere? Unless she's talking about physically giving birth to them herself, they

It was Prince Charles he had to refrain from nutting. Thank you for this reminder, I love knowing that Sir Stewart is a Spider Jerusalem fan!

Yes! I was scrolling through trying to think of famous people or characters for the names.

I love nearly everything. WHY did it have to use chipmunk voice?! I was about to look up where to buy it. Now it won't be happening. Don't interrupt my jam with horrible jarring chipmunk voice. It's not sexy! It's not cool! It's not artistic! UGH.

What about tool use? Science has found lots of animals that not only use tools, but even make the tools for the job they want done. That's old news.

Look, it's screwed up to call a black person a n'gg'r. You know it. And if you did it at your job in front of a crowd you would expect to get in trouble for it. Calling a person an 'it' is screwed up, too. Heck, even if the victim in this situation was a cisgendered person, they could still be upset that they

"they chose this life they can't expect everyone to be understanding and not a little reserved by their life choice."Would that be okay to say if it was about an interracial couple? No? Why is that? Because it's closed-minded and based on out-of-date prejudice and basic ignorance? (People used to think people with

My father is named David and doesn't mind being called Dave. I had a manager named David that hated being called Dave. I have friends that have changed their birth names to something completely different. People have personal preferences and the best way to avoid being a jerk is to find out what that person prefers.

Similarities are similarities, whether good or bad. Giving them different names doesn't make it a different thing. Most animals don't have a morality like we do, you are correct. All creatures are different. There is a monkey species that will kill one of their own for raping a female in their group. I don't

You could start the description the same way, yes. But New Years is at midnight and more of the world does it. I don't know enough about Bastille Day to say anything about it. Back to the 4th vs 5th I'd also throw in that in the USA many get the day off and there's a lot more communal patriotism and loads of

I'm not on speaking terms with dolphins. They're entirely to uppity for my tastes. Thinking they're better than everyone. Can't you hear them laughing? They're laughing at us.

I didn't read it that way. I think it could have been any famous person. It's hard to get on with a normal life when two degrees of separation away is someone that has everything you could want. When you are completely removed you can treat fame as a sort of fairy tale. But when you're working your butt of to make

As an American married to an English man that has lived in England for a very long time I can say that the 4th and the 5th ARE similar. Not in origin or meaning, but in how the holiday itself plays out every year. People get together in public spaces and there are fireworks. Everyone eats and drinks things that are

Ah, you've got the wrong person of ridicule. That book is briefly mentioned and not made fun of at all because it does seem to be a more scientific and objective look at what is and isn't true about dolphins (they probably don't have healing powers, you guys). The article even calls him "level-headed." All the

I'm not pissed off, I was confused by what I took to be you dismissing animals and humans as completely unrelated things. I don't think an animal is going to apply for a loan, but it isn't too far out to think that we could share similar feelings. We're all meat sacks on this planet. There are a lot of people that

I think it doesn't deserve much debate. This guy is going against a great deal of heavily invested science and has no science of his own to back it up. For instance, if a drunk believes the government is reading our minds and his answer is to stay so inebriated that he can't think straight so they can't get anything

And I hope you understand that our emotions aren't magical and other animals are capable of them? The more work science does with creatures of all sorts the more they find that they have joy, jealousy, anger, sadness, and are capable of making friends and missing them when they're gone. Just to name a few. There's

When people think humans are anything other than just another animal it really gets on my nerves.

This has happened to me. Hub and I were on vacation somewhere and needed to store our luggage at the train station for the day while we were between locations and sight-seeing. Due to heightened security, everything gets xrayed. Our toys set off some sort of warning and we had to take them out to show they weren't

I once worked with a girl who had this same story. The idea of a toy terrified her, but she was curious and interested. I figured out she thought they all had to be disembodied peni. I went out and found her some purple flower-shaped "lady massager" thing for her birthday. She loved it. Yay!