@xsbs: Kotaku gives you the news, it's up to you to sort it out grammatically. :)
@xsbs: Kotaku gives you the news, it's up to you to sort it out grammatically. :)
Yes, if children eat these while they are young, later in life they may start eating real cigarettes.
@hideo1001: Nightnote, dick!
Touche SMB, Touche.
@MustBeDestroyed: Hah, the VEGAN
First Godzilla, now this.
@William Henry Harrison: LOL
@dr.d-e-m-e-n-t-o: ...I don't know who wins. Not me, that's for sure.
@DreamDevice: You can use jury-rig. It's the original phrase anyways.
Just in case:
@KallMeKate: ...wait till you get to the end. I felt the same way you did up until that point.
@Chester Coat Sleaves is disappointed Dean is gone.: Sir, we have a problem. See, we decided to introduce Milo to the internet and he has developed Fapsanity! He's fapping all over the place! He even...
@danlthemanl: This goes all the way back to Asteroids, buddy.
@Raven19: There are games that take place in space. Also, if we do find out if there is life outside of our planet, maybe they invented games as well.
From Kottke.org:
@Valefore: Are you the president of Kotaku now? Did we have a vote?
@AARST: They show up at the end on this one...
@savage: It's a cartoon.