Amsterdaam - I'm not really the city

@Lictalon: There is too much T and A in that show, you have to give them like... I don't know... grumpy old men on repeat.

@DukeTogo: You are an asshat. Kindly die in a fire.

@Zapix: Are you serious? The most violent things that have ever happened at my gamestop occurred on the monitors.

@jacobvandy: I'm guessing you are one of the following:

@GALBITRON: Why must the laptop suffer?

@tbonesteak: Actually, hold the fucking phone. Check out this amazingness:

@tbonesteak: However, upon explanation it is pretty funny. And I think this one is relevant:

@tbonesteak: I am an idiot. Disregard me :-)

@tbonesteak: It's actually jiggawatts, but who's counting?

@MRxGREEN: Are you deranged? Probably not, but I wouldn't leave any kids with you. :-)

@MetalZombie: I'm guessing they don't have an alternative.

@DocSeuss: That's not accurate. Nielsen sends out hundreds of thousands of TV Diaries per viewing cycle. The collection method listed above is only one way Nielsen collects TV data. They also use TV Diaries.

Ok indie devs, the ball is in your court now. Stop making Zombie-Massage-Avatar games and make this a worthwhile marketplace.

I want the cake one on a poster in my room. Seriously, can we make this happen? If you made it, hit me up at digitald50 at gmail dot com.

I watched this on the xbox, I've seen better production in elementary school pageants.

@Sonicloud: Oh get the fuck out of here you insignificant little prick.

@Dschmeling: It seems like you're doing ok.

I love how they try to say there was a crazy amount of applicants, but they somehow picked 3 people that didn't even own the system.