Amsterdaam - I'm not really the city

@traumafox: I am stoopid consol gamer, how I be cool like you?

@SasQ: When does it get fun?

@ogt462: It's downloadable content. If you want it, you buy it. If you don't want it, you don't buy it. It's the same as every other game. DLC is OPTIONAL.

@Mikey Sorbo: Must... Resist... Picking up tomorrow after work... Must... not click triangle...

My big daddy is excited!


@Kobun: a licky boom boom down.

@0xC001D00D: Yes, yes it does. With goodness gracious great balls of fire, even.

@tetris2: Could you say that with any more of a dick tone?

Mass Effect 2.

So basically, because the subject matter doesn't fit what Caleb is interested in, no one should be interested in it.

@Carey.Laius: There won't be 30 splicers in a room.

Speculating on Lost is like trying to predict lotto numbers.

@Kolian: That's not Keanu Reeves, it's evil robot Ted.

"last I checked, the netbook hasn't really filled that "When you just need a lightweight computer to do some lightweight surfing, word processing, etc." need."

@bwwardiii: I hope not, It will take up most of your 64 gigs of space. I also hope you don't plan on, you know, saving any of the images you create in high resolution.

@O1av: are they gonna sell a really big arm strap so I can wear the iPad at the gym?

Wait for 2.0, that one will have all the features.