America's Wang

“There she...uh...line(?)

“Did that boy say, ‘What’s a battle?’”

“No he said, “What’s that rattle?”

I hope the predicament ensues because of some well-intentioned but poorly executed mega-engineering measures to combat climate change. That’ll learn ‘em.

Re: the third King Kong poster—with the exception of the retro-majesty of the logo—I think it totally fails composition-wise.

I bow to your encyclopedic knowledge sir/ma’am. I somehow falsely retained that the refit was designated 1701-A.

In what work is that established? I always thought the refit was simply of the original 1701(?)

Good point. So yeah how many Constitution-class ships were lost over the course of TOS? Five? One at the hands of the titular Doomsday by spatio-temporal flux in The Tholian Web and three(?) at the hands of the Enterprise as commandeered by the M5 in The Ultimate Computer? Obviously I could Google but

You just made me laugh more than a month in the future.

Just keep ‘em away from the goddamn M5.

If it indeed had oil, I think the only dynamic that would that thwart your deftly satirical joke from becoming reality, is that it would quite possibly require hundred of thousands times more revenue and energy to extract and get to Earth than would be gained.

Will keep it there to burn with abandon so as to get that

The pilot of the Duff Blimp sure as fuck noticed.

After three months via text? Utter POS. Sorry you had to deal with that.

I didn’t even process what the trap was atop initially. Now I get it. I get jokes.

Only if you promise to provide the sorely lacking unified magnetic field.

A) It did not know that.

Agreed. If they’re so in cover-one’s-ass mode, don’t you think they’d lead with “it’s gonna get rapey.”

Errr...yeah...but given that the experience of being culled might be a tad unpleasant...might we want to put that contingency in the “maybe” pile as any kind of supposed solution?

Comedy gold as well!