This is really funny fellow grey. What the fuck is with this uppity Concourse shit and its bar in the stratosphere for those most deserving?
This is really funny fellow grey. What the fuck is with this uppity Concourse shit and its bar in the stratosphere for those most deserving?
His irony is better than yours. If you were serious...get thee to a nunnery.
Agreed from a recovering purveyor of the former.
Well then you and your cohorts are assholes.
Would this have been avoided by simply calling it a “raffle?” Fucking Florida.
Please don’t tell anyone how he lives.
Are you saying “Burns” or “Boo-urns?!?”
For the love of god keep this shit away from a logic tree.
“Dear ‘In these United States...’”
I guess in the same sense that a D is passing (i.e. acceptable) and a C is average.
“I am so bored of people mistaking me for a model”
....we can’t have nice things?
As if I needed another reason to love Michael Jackson.
No...he's stating outright it's okay to beat up someone over douchey fratboy looks...which when coupled with said individual assaulting a requirement of the Geneva Convention.
The best response to this is to escalate our pursuit of this program, that miraculously manages to be as ineffectual as it is destabilizing, and in turn benefits no one but defense contractor whores—whom I might add must be loving this post.
Yes...there's no more gravier a train than employment litigation. You certainly showed this teet sucker.
If I'm not mistaken TipperGate was when Al Gore's wife was found in the cloakroom with Dee Snider at the PMRC hearings...correct?