America's Wang

Yes...there's no more gravier a train than employment litigation. You certainly showed this teet sucker.

If I'm not mistaken TipperGate was when Al Gore's wife was found in the cloakroom with Dee Snider at the PMRC hearings...correct?

My favorite piece of tripe is that it takes how many 10x the facial musculature to frown than to surrender to the supposed ease of a smile.

Yeah it takes 1000x times that to go into convulsions versus...ya know...not.

So fuck off biomechanical efficiency expert.

The "learn how to drive" woman @ 3:53 is actually Cartman...right?

He's the announcer.

He was docked a month's pay for extemporaneous editorializing.

Being turtley enough for the turtle club has its advantages.

Was Dylan a wussy, or a pussy when he sued (the admittedly dreadful) Hootie and the Blowfish for "I Only Want to be with You" in which they invoke Dylan lyrics after citing him by name in the context of the song?

What I take away from this:

1) Some folks with physical intimacy issues will be freaked out to the degree that they will not enjoy as intended.
2) Others with same will not.
3) Average people won't be thwarted by such and enjoy it with all its limitations and yet not stop copulating to perpetuate the species.
4) Porn

I heard it was a kickass movie however.

+ how ever many degrees that napalm is burning at.

Thanks for the data drop. I was unaware the US dabbled in the Mideast before drunkenly barging into Iraq—an adventure that has arguably done, and continues harm on par with all your line items combined.

What are you talking about? What war were we already at over there? Certainly not Iraq...a quagmire that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands and the displacement of millions more...which 9/11 provided a convenient pretext for.

Thanks. I'm impressed with your ability to alchemize your arcane knowledge of US strategic bombing technology history into cogent writing (seriously).

Cool. I remember seeing that photo *in* the Eighties. So its being held on to as the heavy bomber workhorse really hinged on how susceptible to EMP it was? Sounds like the work of Newt Gingrich.

Ham No?

Anyone here admit to this guy being their "retarded?"

I think she'll lead the long slow climb out of the uncanny valley.

That's the least erotic capture of a nipple I've ever witnessed...and find her fine.

Unsafe at any speed...up to and including really fucking fast.