Simple problem to solve: just tell the phone companies no more text messaging. Tell teens they have to use email and the 16,000 fatalities number cited in another comment will drop to 16.
Simple problem to solve: just tell the phone companies no more text messaging. Tell teens they have to use email and the 16,000 fatalities number cited in another comment will drop to 16.
My college roommates and I used to love watching Nascar in the late 90s, just to see if Dick Trickle could get his pole in the Busch...Series.
Everytime I read about this situation, and the total lack of humility by this meathead, I can only think of the opening chapter of The Godfather... "I went to the police, like a good American. These two boys were brought to trial. The judge sentenced them to three years in prison, and suspended the sentence. Suspended…
This discussion reminds me of how much I find the Hyundai logo to be completely distracting of their recent (and decent) designs. The fact that it isn't symmetrical drives me insane. It destroys the appearance of the whole car for me. And yet, the bowtie, or Ford's script-in-oval don't have that effect. Heck, even…
This is very, very true of everything north of the Tappan Zee bridge in NY. Of all my miles driving in Rochester, Albany, and Syracue, the PDs are far far worse in the those little "less than one stoplight" towns than they are in the major burbs and cities.
There's a reason Fark has had a Florida tag forever. I had a hunch it was there when I saw the Facebook post.
I'm always been the idea of a last generation Crown Vic wagon, with really clean lines.
Brilliant, Dr. Freeze, brilliant. I particularly like the '69 CTS-V idea...
I had the same experience a month ago for having a metal snap on a side/leg cargo pocket. All they get now is a screen with a big yellow box over it and they freaked out, practically screaming asking if I'd taken everything out of my pockets? All I could think about was why are you so upset if I didn't...your scanner…
Totally disagree on the last part. I've spent every winter of driving life in the northeast and there are days where you may see sun and your friend ten minutes north sees a blizzard at the same time. Staying home isn't an option.
Glad to see someone else in the commentariat picked up on their fine taste in music!
By going to the left, he put more of his car's empty right side between him and the Explorer. If he had turned right, he would have been at more risk to immediate impact and worse injuries. He made a very smart move.
Yes, and sadly, most of the older ones, like said officer in video #1, probably only needed that high school education to be on the job. The fact that he's been on for 30 years and is still answering these routine calls tells you a bit about his career.
Ok, why is it that the roughly equivalent 1500 series weighs nearly 2000 lbs less?! What in making a 1 ton, dually truck costs 2,000 lbs of extra weight? Seriously, I want to know.
I bet you could only do this in certain places where people either aren't financing, or are trading in a vehicle with equity equal or above the markup. I don't think most financing operations will allow for a price above the MSRP+tax.
That car makes me almost miss my black '90 Lumina Euro coupe. Bought in '98, given to my sis in 2000, retired ~2005. Aside from age related northeast rust/stresses, and the ever so often front brake replacement, I think we only had to put an alternator and radiator in the beast.
I can't speak too much for the decision to kill Pontiac, but I suspect the reasoning for NOT killing GMC is the collective griping from non-Chevrolet dealers wanting to be able to sell a truck or SUV product line.